Pediatricians show ignorance and complicity in recommending vaccination of young children

In this February 8, 2022 article for the Manila Bulletin, Gabriela Baron quotes Dr. Mary Ann Bunyi, president of the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of the Philippines (PIDSP) who said, “Because children are believed to be contributors of viral spread in the community, there’s a potential to reduce the spread in the community if children get the vaccine.”

Bunyi also said that by getting vaccinated, children can return to other social activities such as “travel, vacationing, field trips, outdoor sports, camping, and other outdoor activities”. She says that the vaccines are safe and effective for children aged 5 to 11. She adds, “The vaccine was found to have over 90 percent efficacy in preventing COVID-19 symptoms”.

Editor’s Note: Sometimes we are forced to ask ourselves: are these doctors living in a different reality as we are? Since the beginning of this “pandemic”, there has been one truth that doctors have always upheld: that children are not in danger of COVID [see Understanding the immune system of children may be the key to understanding susceptibility to SARS-COV-2, Why is the coronavirus sparing kids?, Updated IFR for COVID Confirms 99.9987% Survival for Under-20’s].

Obviously, this is the new narrative that the government wants to push on us: no face-to-face classes until all children are vaccinated. They’ve done this to adults, now they want to do it for children. When will it stop?

But as we have discussed in a previous article, Should you vaccinate your children? (which by the way, has been banned by Facebook!), there is no reason for children to take the dangerous COVID vaccines.

The evidence for this has been upheld by many countries and their experts, hence enabling various countries to return to face-to-face learning [see Science says it’s time to open schools, Children’s Commission: Children should be back in school, German experts: Schools and day care centers should be reopened, American Academy of Pediatrics release recommendations for school re-opening, Finland schools reopen successfully, Prof. Sunetra Gupta: Let children be exposed to viruses, Expert panel recommends reopening of schools for young children and children with special needs, Scientific evidence shows schools can clearly be opened, Science shows schools must re-open for in-person learning, CDC: Risk of coronavirus in schools is small, New York Times: Schools need to stay open, WHO: Closure of schools should be considered only if there is no other alternative, WHO Europe: Schools must be kept open this winter].

If Bunyi only bothered to look at the science, then she should have known that all the restrictions on children experienced in the past two years are illogical, unscientific, and abusive [see UNICEF: Prohibiting minors from going outside is an infringement of children’s rights, School Closures and Masking Kids are Irrational, Unscientific, and Child abuse, Large UK study finds lockdowns unnecessary for children].

Also, where did Bunyi get the idea that children are spreaders of COVID? This is a false belief which could have been cleared up very easily if she looked up scientific material found beyond social and mainstream media [French study shows children don’t spread the coronavirus, Global Study: No child known has passed coronavirus to adults, Study shows COVID-19 positive child did not infect peers, Study: Children are not superspreaders, time to go back to school].

Children are not dying of COVID. In fact, evidence is now showing that children in hospitals with COVID were not hospitalized DUE TO COVID. Children recorded as COVID deaths were already sick, to begin with [see New researches suggest number of kids hospitalized for COVID is over counted, Fauci: Children Hospitalized because of COVID are Overcounted, CDC Update: 75% of children who died from COVID had underlying diseases, New Study: All children in UK who died of COVID-19 were already seriously ill].

In fact, the data is showing that children are at very low (if not zero) risk of COVID death [read German study confirms Children at VERY low risk of COVID-related severe disease and death, Peer-reviewed research shows immunocompromised children at no increased risk of severe COVID, Updated IFR for COVID Confirms 99.9987% Survival for Under-20’s].

And perhaps Bunyi does not know, but the immune systems of children are so much more powerful than what the vaccine can offer [read No Need for Vaccines: Children’s Immune Systems Primed and Ready for SARS-CoV-2, Kids develop coronavirus antibodies without testing positive, Norway Believes Natural Immunity is Better Protection for Children Five to 11 Years, Sweden will not recommend COVID vaccines for kids aged 5 to 11 years].

How can any parent entrust the lives of their children in the hands of doctors like this?

THOUSANDS of doctors are already saying: there is no need to vaccinate young children. Doing so is unethical, given the experimental nature of the vaccine and the zero benefits vaccination offers them. We are appalled at the lack of knowledge of these doctors who have the gall to create sweeping statements declaring the safety and effectiveness of COVID vaccines when the safety signals already show otherwise. Doctors like Bunyi do not deserve to be in the presence of our innocent children.

Also, read these articles to meet experts who contradict Bunyi’s gullible statements: 93 Israeli doctors: Do not use COVID vaccines on children, One in 9 Children Suffered Severe Adverse Reaction from the COVID Vaccine, Experts assess safety and necessity of Moderna COVID-19-mRNA-Vaccine for children, Expert evidence regarding the use of Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine for children, Oxford University Infectious Disease Experts Say NO to COVID Vaccines for Children, French Doctors Caution Against Vaccinating Healthy Children, Urgent message from doctors: Do not vaccinate kids, 30% of Docs Say They Don’t Want Own Kids 5-11 to Get COVID Vaccine, Thousands of Physicians and Scientists Reach Consensus: Natural Immunity Works, Children Do Not Need COVID Vaccination, mRNA Inventor: Toxic Spike Proteins from COVID Jabs Often Cause Permanent Damage in Kids, Head of German Vaccination Commission Says He Won’t Vaccinate His Child.

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