School Closures and Masking Kids are Irrational, Unscientific, and Child abuse

In an August 1, 2021 article published in the New York Post, Karol Markowicz slams the assertion of public-health officials that face-coverings for children need to be required in order for schools to reopen.
According to the report, there is plenty of evidence that kids are not at risk from COVID-19 and do not spread the disease — and that school closures cause them grave harm, both mentally and psychologically. The article cites Public Health England’s medical adviser Dr. Susan Hopkins who says: “It’s important that primary school children don’t wear face coverings, that this is because COVID infection rates are low among their age group and wearing face coverings could affect their development.”1
Markowicz added that Americans have inflicted misery upon children by taking away school. Irrational policies have left the with kids no interaction with friends and needlessly covered their faces. “We have to let kids live again, the way they have all along in saner parts of the country. Anything else is cruelty and, yes, tantamount to science denial.”
Editor’s Note: Children have been victims of a highly politicized scamdemic. The authorities have been addicted to their policies without realizing the repercussions of their decisions on mental health and wellbeing, especially of children.
This article is essential because now, mainstream media companies are starting to acknowledge the damage they are inflicting on children, and how they have long ignored the science. We have been saying this since 2020, the youth and the children are collateral damage to this oppression.[See Overcome the fear: Sign petition to end lockdowns of children and the youth].
Below are other indications that our children are becoming preys to tyranny:
- There are heaps of confirmations that children are the least infected, and they are not potential spreaders. [See Study: Children are not superspreaders, time to go back to school; Prof. Sunetra Gupta: Let children be exposed to viruses; Understanding the immune system of children may be the key to understanding susceptibility to SARS-COV-2] Media’s fear campaign about collapsing health systems, along with their depiction of virulent disease and its magnitude of infection—despite a thousandfold disparity in health risks between old and young—resulted to school closures and muffling the children.
- The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) remains an influential voice in the US and the world. CDC’s own documents has shown that infection fatality rate (IFR) among children is very low, even lower than the flu. [See CDC updates planning scenarios, shows IFR lower than flu]. They have also said that schools can reopen safely even if teachers have not been vaccinated. [See CDC: Vaccinating teachers not a pre-requisite for safe school reopening; CDC: Risk of coronavirus in schools is small]. The World Health Organization and the United Nations have both said that schools need to reopen because keeping them closed will be damaging for the development of children [Read UN: COVID-shut schools in 19 nations risk ‘generational catastrophe’; WHO: Closure of schools should be considered only if there is no other alternative]. Why aren’t all schools open yet?
- Mask mandates are very damaging to human health, let alone children who are still developing to understand the world. Studies have shown that this pandemic’s draconian measures have dropped children’s IQ, which in turn will have an impact on a country’s future [See COVID-19 Pandemic Affected Children’s IQ; NEDA: 1 year of online learning will result in PHP 11 trillion loss in productivity over the next 40 years, German Neurologist: Oxygen deprivation due to face masks cause permanent neurological damage]
- We may be oblivious that following the protocols our government implements are unscientific, but what we do to our children, masking, social distancing, no face-to-face classes, no interaction with peers, lockdowns are irrational and damaging to their welfare. [See What happens to children’s immune systems after a year of lockdowns and social distancing?; Canadian Paediatric Society: Ontario government must re-open outdoor spaces immediately; Large UK study finds lockdowns unnecessary for children; Children learned next to nothing during distance schooling; New Study: Lockdowns negatively affect mental health of teens; UNICEF: Prohibiting minors from going outside is an infringement of children’s rights] What happened to “protect the children”? Is this a mere slogan now?
What would the world look like five to 10 years from now, if we are raising kids to be mentally challenged, depressed, and apathetic? Are you going to allow this to continue? If the governments are also after our children, then what future awaits every one of us?
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