January 21, 2025

Experts Find Inflammation, Organ Damages on Autopsies of Vaccinated Individuals; Confirms Vaccines Contain Toxic Chemicals

Experts Find Inflammation, Organ Damages on Autopsies of Vaccinated Individuals; Confirms Vaccines Contain Toxic Chemicals

A panel of medical experts in Germany did an emergency broadcast on September 20, 2021, to forewarn the public about what they had uncovered. In this two-hour and 38-minute video, they presented and discussed their findings. This investigation is one of the most in-depth studies scrutinizing the contents of the COVID shots available in Germany.

The press conference in the Pathological Institute in Reutlingen, Germany presented the post-mortem reports of eight people who died after COVID-19 injections. Pathologists, Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Dr. Walter Lang performed fine tissue analyses. They found that microscopic tissues show toxic ingredients from COVID injections, unusual tissue, and blood damages. Spike proteins were found in all organs, including the ovary and uterus, and caused inflammation.

There were apparent autoimmune reactions, a self-to-self attack. [This report shows similarity to the first post-mortem report Ground-breaking autopsy report shows the vaccinated had toxic spike proteins all over the body]. Other autopsy findings included death due to heart failure, lymphocytic myocarditis, multiple organ failure, auto-immune disease, among others.

There were also unidentified substances found in Pfizer/BioNtech’s/Comirnaty, Johnson and Johnson’s (J&J), and Astra Zeneca (AZ) COVID injections, which looked like metallic airplane-like structures and metal splinters. [Also, they have mentioned that it’s similar to Japanese findings not just in Moderna but other Pfizer doses, as well, https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/backstories/1748/; https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/japan-finds-another-moderna-vial-suspected-contain-foreign-substance-2021-09-01/; https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210914/p2g/00m/0na/065000c]. The researchers speculated these to be microchips, sharp and moving metallic substances. They also presented blood images extracted from inoculated individuals, showing long graphene layers, and another entity that looks like a parasite. Nothing is definite and these findings are subject to more investigations.

Atty. Viviane Fischer, a lawyer who is part of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s team, Corona Investigative Committee joined the panel on the second half. She represented the Corona Committee to further look into the reports and COVID injection contents and how far they pose threats to humans. [See Legal experts plan to sue WHO, governments for crimes against humanity] The panel has concluded that there is nothing safe among the available COVID doses because many of them have first-hand experience dealing with inoculated patients and there are fatal risks like autoimmune conditions and destructive cancer growth. And these post-mortem reports are irrefutable proof that humanity is in grave danger.

Below are the microscopic images (up to 0.5mm) from the COVID doses [Pfizer/BioNTech. J&J and AZ, no samples from Moderna injection] and also images of the ‘vaccinated’ blood samples which were all presented in the press conference.

Editor’s Note: The findings of this research have the same safety signals for pathogenic priming which has been discussed by many experts in the months before vaccines were rolled out [Read What is pathogenic priming?].

These findings are another addition to the pieces of evidence that all the COVID injections are poison.

Poison. There is no subtle word to describe these COVID jabs. [See Covid Vaccines are Bioweapons for Mass Genocide; Dr. Tess Lawrie: COVID vaccines unsafe for human use; COVID vaccines kill two people for every three lives it saves; AAPS: Blood clots happen with all COVID vaccines; Experimental mRNA vaccines could cause long term chronic illnesses; EMA finds vaccine link to heart inflammation; Guillian-Barre Syndrome after COVID vaccination more common than previously reported; Peer-reviewed research shows mRNA vaccines can cause neurodegenerative diseases.]

In early vaccine researches, 25–50 deaths would have already stopped all trials. In the case of COVID ‘vaccines’ however, standard safety measures have been overturned. What we have now are massive records of injury and thousands of death. Taking the COVID jab is suicide. [See Expert analysis shows COVID vaccines lead to new infections and deaths; Scientists Sound Alarm: Vaccines Will Kill Millions; New study: Vaccines are the likely cause of adverse effects and deaths following vaccination; EMA: 10,570 dead, 405,259 injured following COVID injections; Filipino cop dies after receiving first dose of vaccine; Perfectly healthy doctor dies weeks after getting Pfizer COVID vaccine.]

This report is also a strong confirmation of the findings of Chief Pathologist Dr. Peter Schirmacher, the director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg, he concluded that of the over 40 cadavers which he autopsied, the “vaccines caused one-third of those deaths.” All forty expired within two weeks of COVID-19 jabs. Dr. Schirmacher sounded the alarm in August about the fatality of COVID injections and he was ostracized by the mainstream media (MSM) and the Merkel administration 1  through the Paul Ehrlich Institute announced that Schirmacher’s statements were “incomprehensible.” However, the chief pathologist received support from his own ranks, and the Federal Association of German Pathologists declared that more post-mortem should be performed on inoculated individuals who died within a certain time frame after the jab.

Dr. Schirmacher was just one of the many specialists smeared and censored by MSM. This could only be due to one reason: MSM is an accomplice to propagate fear and mislead the people. [See Trusted News Initiative or Corrupted News Initiative? Mission: Systematic censorship of the world’s top public health experts; Mainstream media spinning news about Delta cases to sell vaccines to unvaccinated; CNN technical director admits network used fear in COVID coverage to drive ratings up; Another media insider reveals how network uses corrupt practices to promote COVID vaccines and fake news]

Governments’ blatant disregard to double-check safety signals, an indication they do not care about the public’s health and interest. Their ulterior motive is the installation of a totalitarian government. [See France has toppled liberty, Biden vaccine mandates and passports stirs hornet’s nest, inspires massive pushback, Italy Makes “Green Pass” Mandatory for All Workers]

Soon they are going after our younger children. Are we ready to sacrifice our children to these evils? It is a human sacrifice in broad daylight! If we turn a blind eye to all of this, what future awaits these young ones? Are they going to see the beauty in everything or they will be part of a mechanically operated world? There is a long list of possibilities and we are heading to an atrocious system if we will concede our freedom.

See the Full Press Conference’s Video below:

  1. https://freewestmedia.com/2021/08/03/german-chief-pathologist-sounds-alarm-on-fatal-vaccine-injuries/

4 thoughts on “Experts Find Inflammation, Organ Damages on Autopsies of Vaccinated Individuals; Confirms Vaccines Contain Toxic Chemicals

  1. My cousin passed, they told us of heart attack. She was revived twice but they couldn’t do it again her son was told, because her ribs were now broken.
    She had the pziter vaccine, 2 shots. Her heart and rare liver condition were compromised but under control with medication for 30 years. Hospitalized twice after her 2 shots.
    When the doctor was asked if the vaccine was the cause, he said, not likely but wouldn’t rule it out.
    I believe people with any health issues should not have the vaccine nor if the immune system is compromised. I’m just a lay person but that’s my belief. I wear a mask and in public, 2 masks but no vaccine for me.

    1. You are absolutely right! The clinical trials for the COVID vaccines excluded individuals who had pre-existing conditions. Which meant that even if the vaccines were “safe and effective” during the clinical trial, it was only “safe and effective” for the healthy. Why do government rolled out the vaccines to the immunocompromised when there is no safety that warrants this move remains a mystery to us. But given all that’s being revealed about the pre-meditated nature of the COVID pandemic, we are starting to understand the connections.

      Also, it is integral not to get vaccinated. According to Geert Vanden Boosche, the vaccines nuke innate immune systems and getting more people vaccinated means that we are eroding the body’s natural capacity to fight against viruses. We need more unvaccinated people because only the unvaccinated can develop the right antibodies and memory cells that would have the capacity to address the rapidly mutating coronavirus. We will publish an article on this in a few days.

  2. How do I convince my GP and PA daughter of these things. When I mention local instances of “jab” deaths the simply say “ancillary” and rare. I guess they think these deaths are not important.

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