Pfizer Director Admits in EU Hearing: Experimental COVID Shots Not Tested Against Transmission

The following tweet from Rob Roos, Member of the European Parliament from the Netherlands contains a short video from the October 11, 2022 hearing on the European Union’s COVID-19 Response.
In it, Roos asks Pfizer director Janine Small, “Was the Pfizer vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?” To this, Small replied, “Regarding the question around did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market…No.”
Roos says that this admission “removes the entire legal basis for the COVID passport. The COVID passport that led to massive institutional discrimination as people lost access to essential parts of society. I find this to be shocking, even criminal”.
Editor’s Note: This development is important because we will see who the players are in the COVID scamdemic. It is also a clear illustration of how institutions have been coopted and corrupted to work against our interests.
Just a few days after the release of this explosive video, mainstream media came to the rescue of Pfizer.
On October 14, 2022, the Associated Press (AP) posted a fact check on the claim that Pfizer “has not tested the ability of its COVID-19 vaccine to prevent transmission of the virus before it entered the market, proving the company lied about this earlier in the pandemic”. The AP says, “Pfizer never claimed that its clinical trial…evaluated the shot’s effect on transmission”.
From this, we can see clearly that the AP is lying. In the photo below, we see the results of the clinical trial funded by Pfizer and BioNTech which clearly states, “BNT162b2 was 95% effective in preventing COVID -19”. This is already a direct contradiction to the AP Fact Check.

Also, consider this: In a January 14, 2021 tweet, Pfizer said, “The ability to vaccinate at speed to gain herd immunity and stop transmission is our highest priority”.
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has also repeatedly parroted the narrative that vaccination is a “critical tool to help stop transmission”.

Meanwhile, a Reuters fact-check said: “Preventing transmission never required for COVID vaccines’ initial approval; Pfizer vax did reduce transmission of early variants”. Clearly, this is a nod to the collusion between Pfizer and the Food and Drug Authority [see Pfizer Admits To Fraud In Court But Claims It’s Not Fraud Because The Government Was In On It, Documents reveal FDA and Pfizer knew COVID Vaccine caused Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease, FDA Now Wants 75 Years to Release Pfizer Vaccine Documents, not just 55 Years, FDA knew COVID vaccines would lead to severe adverse events, sanitized info was given to people to prevent vaccine-hesitancy].
As you read the Reuters fact-check, take note of the languaging they used. Reuters claims that the vaccine’s effect on virus transmission was a “known unknown” and that it was “required, not promised”. Like the AP article, they neglected to say how Pfizer had falsely promoted their “vaccine”. [Both AP and Reuters are part of a consortium of media companies that were instrumental in the COVID misinformation campaign, see Trusted News Initiative or Corrupted News Initiative? Mission: Systematic censorship of the world’s top public health experts].
One thing we want to highlight here is that, if we believe that the Reuters and AP fact-checks were accurate (which they aren’t), then it means that our own governments should have known that the experimental shots could not stop transmission. Why then did they create discriminatory policies against the unvaccinated?
For those who had already forgotten how so-called public servants and health experts have promoted discrimination against the unvaccinated, we encourage you to check out this video and these Twitter threads (see below).
We must not forget how governments have made us out as “terrorists and extremists” who did not deserve to be treated with dignity [see Germany is Excluding the Unvaccinated from Democracy, DILG Wants Village Chiefs to Submit List of Unvaccinated Residents, Austria Has Fallen to Tyranny, Orders Lockdown for Unvaccinated, Vaccine mandate creates new health crisis as 4,000 unvaccinated Canadian health care workers are on placed on forced leave, No freedom in Australia: Unvaccinated cannot participate in society, Philippine Government Plans to Restrict Unvaccinated Once Vaccine Supply is Adequate, Mainstream Media Creates Unethical Narrative Urging Doctors to Withhold Treatment for Unvaccinated, Colorado Hospital Removes Patient from Kidney Transplant List for Being Unvaccinated, Archbishop Excludes Unvaccinated from Catholic Mass and Religious Gatherings, France suspends 3,000 unvaccinated health workers, ‘Let them die’: Canada’s largest newspaper promotes hostility toward the unvaccinated, French stores deny food and water to unvaccinated, Abu Dhabi will ban unvaccinated from public places].
Unfortunately for these governments, feigning ignorance cannot be their escape. We knew early on that these vaccines could not prevent transmission, why didn’t they? [See No justification for vaccine passports: UK data shows fully vaccinated more prone to COVID infection than unvaccinated, Dr. Byram Bridle: There is no pandemic of the unvaccinated, False claim: Majority of new COVID deaths are the unvaccinated].
We must also not forget how some scientists have tried to demonize the unvaccinated by publishing false “research”. [See Dr. Byram Bridle: Study saying unvaccinated increases COVID risk for vaccinated must be retracted immediately, The war on the ‘unvaccinated’ is a desperate attempt to destroy the control group, Lancet: Stigmatizing the Unvaccinated is Unjustified].
Most importantly, we must not forget how institutions like the United Nations and the World Health Organization tried to mislead governments so that they focused only on vaccines for pandemic control, to the detriment of citizen wellbeing [see UN Recruited Trolls To Push Its COVID Narrative, WHO Makes Outright Lie, Says Omicron Dangerous for Unvaccinated but Data Says Otherwise].