Quarantine App: Surveillance Tool in Disguise
In a September 17, 2021 article published in The Gateway Pundit, Joe Hoft reported that South Australia has pioneered a Quarantining App that combines facial and geolocation technology for tracking individuals.
The app monitors whether citizens comply with stay-at-home quarantine orders by contacting them at completely random hours and asking them to provide their proof of location within 15 minutes of being notified. When the individual fails to respond, the local police department will be sent to follow up in person.
Australian Premier Steven Marshall said about this pilot project: “I think every South Australian should feel pretty proud that we are the national pilot for the home-based quarantine app.”
Editor’s Note: While this attached article wants us to believe that the new app is a measure for public safety, the reality is much more sinister. It is a totalitarian measure in disguise, a tool that can lead to human rights abuses. [See 102 evidences showing the COVID-19 pandemic is false; We must start planning for a permanent pandemic; Dr. Mike Yeadon: The pandemic is over; Ending the COVID-19 “Scamdemic”; END THE LOCKDOWNS! Stop It Outside By Ending the Lockdowns Inside Us; More people died in states which locked down than those which did not; Nobel Prize Winner: Covid vaccine is creating variants that can escape vaccine-induced immunity; Pro-vaccine expert on”immune escape”, mass vaccination, and the creation of “uncontrollable monster” viruses; Delta and Other Variants: Fear Appeal for Permanent Lockdowns, Killer Vaccines. Strengthening Natural Immunity the Way Out.]
Recall all the lies the governments told everyone at the onset of the pandemic, just two weeks to flatten the curve. Where are we now? Lockdowns have been extended every two weeks more, and now we are on our 18th month of quarantine, and still, the “curve” is getting even curvier. There is no indication that it will flatten any time soon.
Obviously, we have been duped. [See OCTA makes another baseless assumption, says Delta community transmission already happening despite having no proof; Open Advisory to the IATF and Media Editors: UP Projections Flawed, Ignore It and Remove Lockdown].
The article below reminds us of a quote from Jefferson quote: “Those who are willing to give up their liberty for a promise of safety and security deserve neither.”
Covid Call to Humanity has been resolute in informing the public that we are living in a well-orchestrated “scamdemic”. All the draconian methods implemented by governments have done nothing in terms of improving public health. It is also becoming clear that these policies are part of the more extensive agenda which aims to take away our freedoms. Totalitarianism is now in our midst.
Let’s look at what’s happening across the globe and see the indications that totalitarianism is looming.
- We are aware that Israel, as the model country for mass inoculation, has failed to reach herd immunity. Despite the high vaccination rate, the country experiences a surge of hospitalization and fatality from the inoculated individuals. [See Israel, once the model for beating COVID, now has one of the highest infections in the world]. As a result, the country has reinstituted its Green Pass1, masking, ban on mass gatherings and lockdown2.
- How can we say that governments protect the public’s health and interests when the authorities demand that citizens simply embrace rules without question? Political leaders have been telling people how they should feel during COVID instead of asking them how they are and what they think about the policies. It seems we are living in a dystopian simulation. Can you imagine living like a controlled being?[See Duterte to vaccine-hesitant Filipinos: Don’t leave your house if you don’t want the vaccine; PNP warns against mass actions protesting against the government’s inoculation program; US State Governor Issues Authoritarian Measures to Address Covid Challenge; 130+ UK doctors express “grave concerns” over government’s handling of pandemic; Leaders threaten citizens with continued lockdowns if they don’t get COVID injection].
- And who says surveillance is not yet happening in the Philippines? The QR codes, the national ID system, and contact tracing are all a subtle way of data collection and monitoring. [Other countries have implemented even more diabolical policies, see France has toppled liberty; Biden vaccine mandates and passports stirs hornet’s nest, inspires massive pushback; Children Prohibited in NYC Public Places].
- Israel is a gauge of how development unfolds. (And how other countries follow suit.) What they do about vaccines, booster shots, and passports is no longer just a health decision; it has also become a political stand. The more people conform, the more control the government gains. [See Israel vaccine czar warns citizens they need to prepare for fourth injections, says, “This is our life from now on”]
- Lastly, we were told that we only needed to achieve “herd immunity” through the vaccines and we can have our lives back. [See THE VACCINE DELUSION, PART 1: CBCP Pro-Vaccine Decision Huge Mistake. Vaccines will Not Remove Lockdowns. Ignores Reports of Thousands of COVID-19 Vaccine Serious Injuries Including Death] No, it looks like we will never achieve herd immunity at all. [Read Iceland and Denmark: No herd immunity from vaccines] Despite that, governments are saying, “take the vaccines anyway, so that you can have your life back”. [See Italy Makes “Green Pass” Mandatory for All Workers; Vaccine passports prolong lockdowns; France has toppled liberty] If this isn’t clear manipulation, then we don’t know that it is. Also, how many times do governments must move goal posts? Do we really think that there will be an end to this? We are not going back to normal anytime soon until 100% of the population is inoculated.
If no one pushes back, it’s the end for humanity. [The good news is that there are millions who are fighting for freedom, see CCH joins World Freedom Rally in the Philippines; Mainstream media finally covers London March for Freedom, still underestimates number of protesters; Million-strong march for freedom in London ignored by mainstream media; Thousands of Canadians join March of Freedom against COVID-19 restrictions; US Sheriffs and Citizens Launch: “Project Take Back the Republic”; Citizens from more than 20 countries gather for simultaneous rally; Toronto police question unconstitutional public health measures.
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