THE VACCINE DELUSION, PART 1: CBCP Pro-Vaccine Decision Huge Mistake. Vaccines will Not Remove Lockdowns. Ignores Reports of Thousands of COVID-19 Vaccine Serious Injuries Including Death

- CBCP to Push Vaccines
- Death and Severe Injuries Due to COVID-19 Vaccines
- COVID-19 Vaccine Deadly Effects Can Come Within Minutes, Hours or Few Days. Harms Young or Old
- a. The VAERS Database reveal the elderly get the brunt of deaths and severe side effects of COVID-19 vaccines.
- b. Healthy human beings, with no existing morbidities, can die.
- c. If victims do not die, the COVID-19 vaccines can severely damage recipients, sometimes, for life.
- d. COVID-19 vaccines can give the COVID-19 disease to those who do not have the disease.
- US Authorities Knew the Vaccines Can Be Dangerous
- COVID-19 Vaccine Deadly Effects Can Come Within Minutes, Hours or Few Days. Harms Young or Old
- US FDA: All COVID-19 Vaccines are Experimental
- Ninety-Five (95%) Efficacy for COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines?
- The Tragedy of It All: Vaccination will not Lift Lockdowns and Other Draconian Infringements on Peoples Freedoms and Rights
- Vaccines Designed to Alleviate Minor Symptoms, not to Stop Infections, not to Make One Immune to the Disease nor to Help Contain the Disease
This is a fairly long article. It is part of an even larger article. I am summarizing the key points here for readers to determine whether or not they want to invest their time in the pursuit of truth on COVID-19 vaccines. One will find the necessary references in the body of the article itself.
National government, local government units (LGUs), the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), mainstream media, and others want a nationwide vaccination program. They believe that the vaccines will lift the lockdowns and remove the need for facemasks and social distancing.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Vaccination will not stop the lockdowns. The facemasks, faces shields, social distancing, contact tracing, school shutdowns, and other draconian measures will continue.
Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna designed their vaccines to lessen or remove disease symptoms of COVID-19. This vaccine is therefore useless for asymptomatic real infection cases. Even more problematic, these vaccine makers did not design their vaccines to stop infections. One can still get infected and spread the infections to others. Worst, these vaccines can make individuals sick with COVID-19 as well as inflict severe damage on them, including killing them, especially the elderly.
This is not speculation. Already, the US CDC VAERS database shows over 11,000 adverse events, with around 501 people dead. A Harvard study estimates that the VAERS database captures only less than 1% of all the severe reactions and deaths out there. People are either getting very sick or “dying like flies”.
The touted 95% efficacy of these vaccines may be true in small-scale tests. But in the real world, the effectiveness of these vaccines may only be 50-60%. That is what the top US infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci believes anyway. In effect, if one understands the difference between efficacy and effectiveness (as explained below), one begins to realize that millions of Filipino lives are at stake.
The US FDA has not approved COVID-19 vaccines. They have been given temporary Emergency Use Authorization (EUAs). Their long-term safety remains an open question.
Meanwhile, while lives will be damaged and sacrificed, the lockdowns, the facemasks, the social distancing and all the quarantine nonsense will continue for totally unscientific reasons. Even Dr. Fauci warns that this will be the case.
Because this procedure violates the Philippine constitution and robs Filipinos of their God-given inalienable rights as humans, we must wake up and realize that we are in the middle of a de facto medical martial law where our rights are abused and are being nullified.
We must do something about it. If we do not, we might as well say goodbye to our democratic republic and to a way of life that is healthy, just, free and happy. Goodbye Republic of the Philippines. Welcome Philippine Dictatorship 2.0.
CBCP to Push Vaccines
As with many countries and institutions around the world, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has fallen into the pit of vaccine delusion.1
On January 30, 2021, the CBCP decided to open all Catholic parishes to be staging centers for the vaccination of millions of Catholics against COVID-19. The CBCP also decided to partner with Local Government Units (LGUs) to achieve the vaccination of at least 70 million Filipinos as planned by the national government.2
This is a terrible mistake. With this decision, the CBCP will be unwittingly guilty of the potential deaths of thousands of Filipinos and the serious injury of tens of thousands more.3 I am sure that the good bishops will be horrified to learn that they may have become willing vessels for such an outrageous, far-reaching criminal decision.
People are sick and tired of lockdowns. They are sick and tired of reduced mobility and wearing facemasks the whole day, a practice that does not work and can induce a number of its own diseases.4 They are sick and tired of censorship and being lied to. They are sick and tired of fake science, fake news, and censored manufactured “truth”.5
They want out of lockdowns and the severe restrictions on their rights and freedoms. They are desperate for a way out, like a fish gasping for air.
Based on the propaganda from the mainstream media (MSM), the only way out of this lockdown is through vaccination.6 Nothing could be farther from the truth, as we shall show shortly. Yet people are ignorantly jumping on the vaccine bandwagon, not realizing that they are unknowingly participating in a massive fraud meant more for control than protecting their health.7 Tragically significant numbers will be harmed and killed in the process.
The bishops basically believe in this vaccine nonsense and are gearing themselves up to be servants of the needle and the devil of lies that stands behind it.
The intentions of the Bishops are laudable. They want to help millions of fearful and desperate Filipinos. But they made their decision on the basis of incomplete information and, for the most part, ignorance of the larger scientific and political dynamics behind the global drive for vaccination.
Here are some facts that hopefully can bring a sense of sobriety and reality to all when faced with the constant onslaught of government and media propaganda on the magic cure they are calling the vaccine.
Death and Severe Injuries Due to COVID-19 Vaccines
The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Infectious Diseases (CDC) has a monitoring system called VAERS. This stands for Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System.
On 22 January 2021, CDC VAERS data showed that Pfizer and Modern vaccines have harmed 9,845 people. Of these, 329 have died. Within this group, 104 suffered permanent disability. Another 273 had life-threatening episodes after receiving the vaccine. More injuries and deaths are expected to come as the second dose of these vaccines is given.8
A week later, on 29 January 2021, the CDC reported that its VAERS data revealed that the COVID-vaccines harmed 11,249 people. Of these 11,249 injuries, 501 people died. In addition, 156 people are now permanently disabled.
Readers must note that VAERS does not contain a complete record of all the COVID-19 vaccine deaths, permanent disabilities, and other severe injuries that have happened. The reports in VAERS are voluntary. And it is known that health care practitioners are hesitant in reporting COVID-19 vaccine related deaths and serious injuries. Norwegian health authorities, for example, deny any link between COVID-19 vaccines and the 33 deaths reported due to the vaccines. 9
A Harvard University study estimated that the VAERS database contains less than 1% of COVID-19 related deaths and severe injuries.10 This would mean that, using the 29 January 2021 data, there can be over 1,000,000 adverse impacts of the COVID-19 vaccines. And, of these, there could be over 40,000 deaths already.
This does not bode well for the long-term impacts of the COVID-19 vaccines, impacts that the vaccine suppliers have never studied. As we shall see below, the US regulatory agency, FDA, considers the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines as “unapproved”.
COVID-19 Vaccine Deadly Effects Can Come Within Minutes, Hours or Few Days. Harms Young or Old
To appreciate more what we are dealing with, let us take some concrete examples that have been reported recently.
These deaths and serious crippling effects of the vaccine can be sudden. It can come shortly after vaccination, within minutes, hours, or a few days. All age ranges are affected. Those below 16 years of age are exempted from vaccination. Some get the COVID-19 disease after they are injected with COVID-19 vaccines. These kinds of adverse effects are unprecedented in the history of vaccine impacts.
Do you want to play Russian roulette with your life?
Here are examples of dramatic COVID-19 vaccine casualties.11
a. The VAERS Database reveal the elderly get the brunt of deaths and severe side effects of COVID-19 vaccines.
“55 Americans Have Died Following mRNA COVID Injections as Norway Death Toll Rises To 29”. The Norwegian death toll ultimately reached 33 as of last count. The death from both countries came mostly from seniors.12
“53 Dead in Gibraltar in 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injections Started”. Most of the death counts came from the elderly.13
“24 Residents Dead in 3 Weeks as One Third of UK Nursing Home Residents Die After Experimental mRNA COVID Injections.”
“10 Dead with 51 Severe Side-Effects Among Germany’s Elderly after Experimental Pfizer COVID Injections”.
“7 Dead and 100% of Residents Infected in Spanish Nursing Home After Being Injected with Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Shots”
“58-Year-Old Mother and Grandmother of Six in Virginia Dies Within Hours of Receiving Experimental Pfizer mRNA Injection”.
“Baseball Legend Hank Aaron Dead After Receiving the Experimental Moderna mRNA COVID Injection.” He was in his 80s.
“CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are DYING LIKE FLIES After COVID Injections! SPEAK OUT!!!”. [This is clear from the CDC VAERS data and examples above.] [CNA means Certified Nursing Assistant. CAPS in the original. See his moving video testimony here.14
b. Healthy human beings, with no existing morbidities, can die.
’Very Healthy 56-Year-Old’ Miami Obstetrician Dies after Being Injected with the Experimental Pfizer COVID Vaccine.”
“45-Year-Old Italian Doctor ‘In the Prime of Life and in Perfect Health’ Drops Dead After the Pfizer mRNA COVID Shot: 39-Year-Old Nurse, 42-Year-Old Surgical Technician Also Dead”.
“ ’Perfectly Healthy’ 41-year-old Pediatric Assistant Dies Suddenly After Injected with Experimental Pfizer COVID Vaccine.”15
c. If victims do not die, the COVID-19 vaccines can severely damage recipients, sometimes, for life.
“Louisiana Woman Convulses Uncontrollably after Being Injected with the Experimental Pfizer COVID Shot – ‘I can’t stand to see my mom this way it makes me want to cry knowing I can’t do anything to help her.’
“32-Year-Old Mexican Doctor Suffers Seizures and is Paralyzed After Receiving the Pfizer Experimental Vaccine.”
“27-Year-Old Canadian Healthcare Worker Faints and Suffers Multiple Seizures After Pfizer Experimental COVID Vaccine.”
“Israeli Teenager Hospitalized in ICU for ‘Inflammation of the Heart’ Days after Receiving Second Pfizer Vaccine”.
d. COVID-19 vaccines can give the COVID-19 disease to those who do not have the disease.
The vaccines are supposed to cure the disease, not give healthy people the COVID-19 disease.
“7 Dead and 100% of Residents Infected in Spanish Nursing Home After Being Injected with Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Shots” [Emphasis added.]
“24 Dead and 137 Infected at NY Nursing Home After Experimental COVID Injections.” [Emphasis added.]
“4 People Died and 240 Got COVID19 in Israel After Being Injected with Pfizer Experimental mRNA Vaccine.”
US Authorities Knew the Vaccines Can Be Dangerous
The U.S FDA (Food and Drug Administration) knows the dangers of vaccines. It warns:
“Do not administer Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine to individuals with known history of a severe allergic reaction (e.g., anaphylaxis) to any component of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (see Full EUA Prescribing Information).”16
Anaphylaxis is a commonly reported reaction to mRNA vaccine. It is a potential threat to one’s life. Anaphylaxis happens when there is an over-reaction of the immune system to a substance that has entered one’s body. This hyper-inflammatory response may cause the following, among others:
- “trouble swallowing and breathing, wheezing;
- diarrhea or vomiting;
- abdominal or chest pain;
- fast or irregular heartbeat;
- dizziness, sudden drop in blood pressure;
- confusion, vision and speech problems;
- shock/loss of consciousness;
- cardiac arrest;
- death”17
This is the reason why FDA required those who will administer vaccines to be medically prepared should this adverse impact arise. Here is FDA’s directive:
“Appropriate medical treatment used to manage immediate allergic reactions must be immediately available in the event an acute anaphylactic reaction occurs following administration of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.”18
Will the CBCP have the proper facilities in their parishes to address acute anaphylactic reactions that can lead to death?
FDA also warned:
“Immunocompromised persons, including individuals receiving immunosuppressant therapy, may have a diminished immune response to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. …. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine may not protect all vaccine recipients.”19
Will the CBCP have the medical delivery infrastructure to diagnose vaccine recipients who may be prone to anaphylactic reactions and others who are immunocompromised?
The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also expects that these vaccines may have other serious health impacts. FDA uses the term “serious adverse events” to describe these potential serious health impacts which can show up when the vaccines are deployed in large numbers.
FDA defines “Serious adverse events” as:
• “Death;
• A life-threatening adverse event;
• In-patient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization;
• A persistent or significant incapacity or substantial disruption of the ability to conduct normal life functions;
• A congenital anomaly/birth defect;
• An important medical event that based on appropriate medical judgment may jeopardize the individual and may require medical or surgical intervention to prevent one of the outcomes listed above.”20
US FDA: All COVID-19 Vaccines are Experimental
FDA expected these adverse reactions and deaths. Why? These vaccines are experimental, that is, they have not undergone the necessary long-term trials. They have not been fully tested for their long-term safety. Dangerous side effects including death can happen as seen above.
Yet, FDA allowed Pfizer-BioNTech and Modern to release their vaccines to the world. But they couched their cautionary approval in a language that the general public did not understand and the mainstream media gleefully spread without qualifications.
Here is U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s comment on Pfizer (and Moderna21).
“The Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has declared a public health emergency that justifies the emergency use of drugs and biological products during the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, FDA has issued an EUA for the unapproved product, Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, for active immunization against COVID-19 in individuals 16 years of age and older.”22 [Emphasis added.]
This is a loaded statement. First, it assumes there is a “public health emergency”. As we shall see below, there is none. Second, despite all the dangers inherent in these unproven COVID-19 vaccines, this health emergency justified the issuance of an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for an “unapproved product”, in this case, the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine. Third, the product is unapproved because the safety trials are not completed and studies on the long-term adverse impacts of these vaccines are not being planned.
Knowing the dangers involved, the FDA directed Pfizer-BioNTech to do the following:
“In order to mitigate the risks of using this unapproved product under EUA and to optimize the potential benefit of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, the following items are required. Use of unapproved Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for active immunization to prevent COVID-19 under this EUA is limited to the following (all requirements must be met): [Emphasis added.]
“1. Pfizer-BioNTechCOVID-19 Vaccine is authorized for use in individuals 16 years of age and older.”
[So, clearly there will be no vaccination of children and young teens. Technically this will complicate efforts to achieve collectively immunity if government authorities continue to believe that children are spreaders of COVID-19. This is why they have locked down schools for almost a year now.]
“2. The vaccination provider must communicate to the individual receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine or their caregiver, information consistent with the “Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers” prior to the individual receiving Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.” [Emphasis added.]
[Here clearly is the requirement to inform vaccine recipient (which will be the general public) regarding the unapproved nature of the vaccine including its potential for serious adverse effects including death. It is doubtful if government or media or even CBCP personnel will do this since they have not been doing this appropriately and thoroughly.].
“3. The vaccination provider must include vaccination information in the state/local jurisdiction’s Immunization Information System (IIS) or other designated system.”
[Does the Philippine Government have such an information system in place and will it be accurate and honest? This is doubtful given the lousy track record of the Department of Health (DOH) in giving accurate real time information and being transparent to the public about the lockdown and the vaccines. Do the bishops and the LGUs have such a system in place? Most likely not. They will most likely rely on the DOH.]
“4. The vaccination provider is responsible for mandatory reporting of the following to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS):
- vaccine administration errors whether or not associated with an adverse event,
- serious adverse events* (irrespective of attribution to vaccination) [and as defined above],
- cases of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) in adults and children, and
- cases of COVID-19 that result in hospitalization or death.”
[Good luck, given the dismal track record of DOH in this regard. See comments immediately above on Item #4.]
5. The vaccination provider is responsible for responding to FDA requests for information about vaccine administration errors, adverse events, cases of MIS in adults and children, and cases of COVID-19 that result in hospitalization or death following administration of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine to recipients.”23
[Will DOH conscientiously do this given their lousy record on vaccine safety? A former Secretary of Health is now a defendant in the court case in the matter of hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries caused by Dengvaxia, the vaccine that supposedly would cure dengue. DOH led the nationwide effort to inject thousands of Filipinos with Dengvaxia. The Quezon City Regional Trial Court has already issued an arrest warrant against DOH Secretary Garin and vaccine manufacturer Sanofi. 24
In its own tongue-in-cheek way, FDA, while giving an EUA to Pfizer-BioNTech, are warning vaccine takers that there are serious risks involved, including death.
A December 2020 study of the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Medicine Center for Evidence Based Practice supports this FDA advisory.
“There are no specific guidelines for use of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines or contraindications to mRNA vaccines. …. No large trials of any mRNA vaccine have been completed yet. … Larger trials of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are in progress, with results expected in mid-2021. …. Direct evidence on the comparative safety of mRNA vaccines and other vaccines is lacking.
“The only evidence on safety of mRNA vaccines comes from small phase I and phase II trials of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, with follow-up typically less than two months. …. The rate and severity of adverse events appears to be higher for the second dose of vaccine than for the first. …. Higher vaccine doses appear to increase the rate and severity of adverse events.25 [Emphasis added.]
Similarly, FDA has these disclaimers in connection with Moderna’s mRNA vaccine.
“The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine is an unapproved vaccine that may prevent COVID-19. There is no FDA-approved vaccine to prevent COVID-19. …. There is a remote chance that the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine could cause a severe allergic reaction. A severe allergic reaction would usually occur within a few minutes to one hour after getting a dose of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. …. These may not be all the possible side effects of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. Serious and unexpected side effects may occur. The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine is still being studied in clinical trials. …. The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine has not undergone the same type of review as an FDA- approved or cleared product.”26 [Emphasis added.]
Ninety-Five (95%) Efficacy for COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines?
Despite all these developments, vaccine makers Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna continue to fool and brainwash toothless and subservient mainstream media and sheepish naïve readers by flaunting a 95% efficacy result for their vaccines.
We need to understand the difference between “efficacy” and “effectiveness”. Percent efficacy refers to results obtained in experimental trials obtained with a small group of people. Percent effectiveness refers to results obtained in the real world, outside the narrow confines of the laboratory.27
The touted 95% efficacy of these vaccines is actually an artifact of the test design and only reflects “relative risk reduction” from experiencing mild symptoms under ideal circumstances! The absolute risk reduction is less than 1% based on the reported trial results which only cover a short-term time period right after vaccination and are not representative of the population most in need of protection.28 But in the real world, the effectiveness of these vaccines may only be 50-60%. This is according to the guru of COVID-10, Dr. Anthony Fauci who thinks that the effectiveness of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines may only be around 50-60%.29
The Philippines, with its target of 70 million people for vaccination30, would mean that, even a vaccine with 99% efficacy could translate in the real world into some 700,000 severe adverse impacts including death, permanent disabilities, serious neurological conditions, among others.31 At 95% efficacy, this would translate to around 3.5 million potential serious adverse effects including death permanent damage of human beings. This is way more than the 11,179 deaths with COVID-19 as of February 8, 202132, assuming that these death counts for COVID-19 are accurate.33
What more if the COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness is only 50-60%. This would mean that, for every 100 persons taking the vaccine, around 40 to 50 of them will possibly experience serious adverse effects, including death. If only 10 million were to be vaccinated by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines , and if Fauci’s estimates are accurate, around 4 to 5 million Filipino lives may ultimately be disrupted and/or terminated, especially if medium to long-term effects are factored in.
The prospects for long term damage would be horrendous should the mRNA of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines start to embed themselves permanently in our genetic code and start to affect the way our genome functions through a number of possible pathways, including polymorphism and epigenetic effects.34
I am not even going to go into the details of whether indeed the mRNA vaccines have a 95% efficacy and whether the experimental designs of both Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech were scientifically valid. I will reserve that for Part 2 of this article.
One thing is clear. Millions of human beings have now become guinea pigs in what has become the world’s largest rollout of experimental vaccines.
The Tragedy of It All: Vaccination will not Lift Lockdowns and Other Draconian Infringements on Peoples Freedoms and Rights
Many people want to see the lockdowns removed even if society incurs the horrendous adverse impacts of vaccination briefly outlined above.
But what would they think if one informed them of shocking facts that mainstream media and government officials are either ignorant of or consciously hiding from the general public?
All these efforts towards massive nationwide and global vaccinations will not lift the lockdowns. Yes, you read it correctly. The billions of dollars that governments will spend on vaccinations and despite the tens of thousands of people that will be harmed, will NOT remove the lockdowns and the mandatory masks, the social distancing, contact tracing, vaccine passports, and all the other crazy, draconian and freedom-suppressing regulations scientifically-illiterate and sadistic governments are imposing on the people.
Vaccines Designed to Alleviate Minor Symptoms, not to Stop Infections, not to Make One Immune to the Disease nor to Help Contain the Disease
We all know THE Dr. Anthony Fauci, the god of the false Covid-19 “pandemic”. Here is what Fauci has said about the mRNA vaccines of Pfizer and Moderna that will soon find its way inside the Philippines and into the bodies of millions of Filipinos.
“ ‘The primary thing you want to do is that if people get infected, prevent them from getting sick (that is, remove the symptoms), and if you prevent them from getting sick, you will ultimately prevent them from getting seriously ill,’ Fauci said at Yahoo Finance’s All Markets Summit.”
“ ‘If the vaccine also allows you to prevent initial infection, that would be great. [But] what I would settle for, and all of my colleagues would settle for, is the primary endpoint to prevent clinically recognizable disease.’ “35
In plain language, the COVID-19 vaccines are, at best, designed to prevent symptoms, if they even do that. The vaccines are not designed to stop infections. One can still get infected and the infection can be transmitted to others. With the vaccines, one might turn into an asymptomatic carrier.
Even in this very limited use of COVID-19 vaccines, Fauci further predicted a 50 to 60 % effectiveness for the COVID-19 vaccines36, not the 95% efficacy ratings obtained in small scale Phase 1 and 2 trials as discussed above.
The Daily Mail Online correctly assessed the impact of the Fauci statements.
“Fauci’s comments put a damper on America’s hopes that forthcoming vaccines will bring the pandemic to its knees, highlighting the ongoing importance of other infection prevention methods like masks and social distancing.” [Emphasis added.]
The astute research scientist, Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, gave a more appropriate description of Fauci’s statements. He said: “Fauci just tanked the covid19 vaccine program – And no one noticed”37.
Dr. Lyons-Weiler explains further why the vaccination program is in “big, big trouble”.
“Since COVID19 vaccines won’t prevent transmission, this undercuts the “greater good” argument – vaccines that only work to reduce the severity of the illness and do not prevent transmission leave the immunocompromised at risk.” [Emphasis added.]
“The vaccine may in fact make COVID19 much, much worse in many people …due to … “Pathogenic Priming” of the immune system to attack any of dozens of tissues in the human body following vaccination once they acquire the real viral infection. … (O)ne MD I spoke with today mentioned that he was ‘deathly afraid of people dropping like flies’ due to pathogenic priming.” [Emphasis in original.]
Does not the phrase “ dropping like flies” sound familiar? It is actually happening. That is the exact description that was used by the CNA nursing home whistleblower to describe the massive deaths due to COVID-19 vaccine. (See above.)
“For all of the talk on “Immunity Cards” and “ImmunityID”, such programs will fail. There is little reason to provide proof that you are vaccinated because if you are not immune and can still transmit SARS-CoV-[2], you’re a carrier and such programs will be futile.” [Emphasis in original.] ….
“Vaccine mandates to reduce the severity of the disease will not make sense since most people are asymptomatic already anyway. If the vaccine only makes the symptoms milder, and produces carriers, and most people who can be infected are not likely to experience serious illness already, the vaccine will not be seen as reducing severity in most people. The disease enhancement seen in animals in prior coronavirus studies (back when we used to use animals, not people, as guinea pigs for risky viral challenge studies) was more severe in older animals. We can fairly well surmise what is likely to happen if the M.O. for this vaccine is “vaccinate those at risk”.’ “ [Bold in the original.]
From the VAERS data and other examples above, Dr. Weiler correctly predicted the adverse impact of the vaccines on the elderly.
Would bishops like to risk their health and/or lives at the altar of vaccines that have not completed their safety trials and that therefore remained unapproved by the US FDA? Of course, if they will be promoting nationwide vaccination, they have to walk their talk. They will demonstrate to the public that they are willing to be vaccinated with unapproved COVID-19 vaccines.
What really is going on here?
In Part 2 of this article, I will elaborate on why the vaccines for COVID-19 are totally unnecessary and dangerous. Here is a brief overview of what Part 2 will contain.
COVID-19 is a disease that kills, but at a level of a bad flu. The vast majority of Filipinos, from young babies to age 69, are safe from COVID-19. It is a disease of the elderly, 70 years of age and above. Pneumonia kills much larger numbers of Filipinos every year than COVID-19 yet we do not lock down when pneumonia hits us. And we do not mandate forced vaccinations for pneumonia.
We do not have excess deaths due to the so-called COVID-19 pandemic. Around 93% of those who tested positive have recovered. Instead we have a “scamdemic”, fueled by the continued use of RT-PCR tests that continue to give high rates of false positives. And a false positive does not mean that one is infected with Covid.
There are successful alternative treatments for COVID-19 including hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin. And many doctors have been using these medicines successfully.
There is no scientific proof that so-called mutations of SARS-CoV-2 virus are deadlier than the current COVID-19 virus. They may be infectious but not deadlier. Flu mutates into many variants every year. So will SARS-CoV-2. Evolutionary theory predicts that these mutations will become less and less deadly until the virus becomes endemic. It then lives in equilibrium with humans and the human immune system adapts to survive in its viral environment.
Authentic science has shown lockdown and mandatory masking do not work. Meanwhile, countries, such as Sweden and Belarus, are developing strategies that have adequately dealt with COVID-19 without draconian lockdown measures. In addition, tens of thousands of medical scientists and doctors are publicizing constructive proposals to deal with COVID-19 without using lockdowns.
Under this context, vaccinations for COVID-19 are totally unnecessary, especially given the dangers that have already surfaced with mRNA vaccines. Other forms of vaccines for COVID-19 are equally problematic. Instead vaccines reveal a deeper control agenda against humanity. This is part of the reason why so many government actions around the world are irrational.
As more and more people learn about this scamdemic, millions are starting to take to the streets in protest. They are fed up with all the control and manipulation.
Simultaneously many legal cases have been filed against government policies and regulations. Plaintiffs are starting to win these cases. A team of international lawyers and prestigious scientists has come together to file a global case against the WHO for crimes against humanity.
Why do we not hear about these? We are living in an era of massive censorship and the corruption of all major institutions of society: from government, media, Big Pharma, and even universities and scientific journals.
Faced with all these scientific facts, CBCP should reconsider its decision and to inform ALL Filipinos, Catholics and others, that vaccination for COVID-19 is highly dangerous and totally unnecessary in the struggle against the false pandemic, COVID-19.
- As this article goes to press, we just learned that the Philippine House of Representatives has approved, on second reading, a bill to make vaccines mandatory. While we will take a closer look at this bill soon, readers can already see from this current article that such a move is unnecessary and dangerous.
- See
- See discussion below on the last CDC data on vaccine deaths. In the next few years, these deaths may ironically be more than the already bloated death counts for COVID-19. For bloated COVID-19 death counts, see
- See Washington Examiner October 22, 2020
- See
- See Reference #1 above.
- See
- See footnote #17 below.
- Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP: VAERS) Inclusive dates: 12/01/07 – 09/30/10 Principal Investigator: Lazarus, Ross, MBBS, MPH, MMed, GDCompSci. Team members: Michael Klompas, MD, MPH. Performing Organization: Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc., Project Officer: Steve Bernstein
- All the examples cited come from Vaccine Impact. While one may not necessarily agree with all its ideas, this website is an excellent reliably referenced source for tracking the impact of COVID-19 worldwide.
- Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine … Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine to Prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-2019), p.6. . While the focus of this document in on the Pfizer vaccine, FDA has similar comments regarding Moderna. See more below.
- Ibid. p.7
- Ibid.
- FDA Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine … Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine to Prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-2019), p.9. While the focus of this document in on the Pfizer vaccine, FDA has similar comments regarding Moderna. See below.
- See discussion below.
- Ibid., 10
- Ibid., 8-9
- I will draw out the global implications of such a statement below in connection with other Fauci statements.
- See footnote #2 above.
- Based on the early VAERS reporting of vaccine impacts in the real world cited above.
- I have continued to point out in several articles that the COVID-19 death counts in the Philippines are most likely bloated. See, for example, One can die from some other disease but one’s death have been and will continue to be counted as a COVID-19 death if that person tested positive in an RT-PCR test. And as has become obvious around the world and even to WHO, current RT-PCR tests are misleading. They give an artificially ridiculously high count of false positives.
- I will explain these effects more thoroughly in the next part of this series on COVID-19 vaccines including mRNA.
- Ibid.
- All further quotes from Dr. Weiler are from this article.
When the moment comes, the Bishops and all others party to this move can be tried by a Military Tribunal for committing a crime against humanity, and subject to execution. No joke.
This a a corrupt article. The writer is a disgrace to humanity
In the interest of public discussion, we are publishing this comment to enable the author to defend his/her statement. What is it in the article that has triggered your response, Angel? Could you further elaborate on your point?
As you write your next reply, please know that we are expecting a respectful discourse.
The Nuremberg Code: the most important document in the history of the ethics of medical research. The Code was formulated 50 years ago, in August 1947, in Nuremberg, Germany, by American judges sitting in judgment of Nazi doctors accused of conducting murderous and torturous human experiments in the concentration camps (the so-called Doctors’ Trial). It served as a blueprint for today’s principles that ensure the rights of subjects in medical research.
NUREMBERG CODE’s First Principle:
“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.”…
To READ the rest:
thank you for adding this here Rosanna! The Nuremberg Code has started our quest for justice and equity, we must not forgot the advances it has given our modern societies.
Anyway, where is the published scientific proof that an infectious virus causing a disease called COVID-19 actually exeists? Just asking.
When are we taking this to the streets?
Great article!
Do you have information on how the virus will effect the Macro-phage #1 and #2. One causes response to infections and could lead to cytokine storm if not controlled. The other macro phage promotes a calming down in the inflammation response when the illness is subsiding. Dr. Sharrie Tenpenny talks about the vaccine DECREASING the number of “calming” macro phage. This will lead to an increase in severe illness response when exposed to a corona virus in the future. The body will respond with the inflammatory macrophages but not have enough calming macrophages.
Hi Angel, I find the article very interesting and very akin to my own research. The set of symptoms (sic) one is supposed to have for Covid-19, are totally akin to flu symptoms. In medical science, these symptoms are a healthy body’s way to eliminate poisons, pathogens, toxins and other microbes from it. Most people do not die of the flu. This pandemic has been created entirely by the media and vaccines will have no other effect than to harm your body’s natural immune system.
With this in mind we should keep careful note of the adverse reactions to these ‘untested’ vaccines being “sold” to us. This is a business. Not a health exercise. I suspect foul play at hand which usually is the case, when a lot of money is involved.
Historically speaking, the Catholic Church, especially here in the Philippines, has always stood for the liberties of peoples against the encroachments of tyrants. I wonder why our Bishops never spoke out against the lockdowns since March of 2020 and against forced vaccination? Only retired Archbishop Ramón Argüelles and the Priests of the Society of St. Pius X are speaking out against the lockdowns and forced vaccination.
I don’t know if you have this. Very good.
Hard to find this place to send you a message. You might condider making this easier to find. Thank you.
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