February 13, 2025

Lancet Study Shows COVID Shots Have Low Effectiveness, Rapid Reduction In Effectiveness Among Young Children

Lancet Study Shows COVID Shots Have Low Effectiveness, Rapid Reduction In Effectiveness Among Young Children

In this June 30, 2022 article published by The Lancet, researchers from the Italian National COVID-19 Integrated Surveillance System and the Italian COVID-19 Vaccines Registry confirm that vaccines are ineffective among children.

The study analyzed data using a large sample of vaccinated and unvaccinated children aged 5 to 11 years to determine the effectiveness of the COVID shots. The study found that vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 for the fully vaccinated group was only 29.4% and 27.4% in the partly vaccinated group. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of the COVID shots against severe COVID among the fully vaccinated is at 41.1% and 38.1% in the partly vaccinated group.

The study also found that vaccine effectiveness against infection peaked at 38.7% at 0-14 days after full vaccination and decreased to 21.2% 43 to 84 days after full vaccination.

Editor’s Note: This article is a confirmation of what was already being asserted by many health experts in the past: that the COVID shots are ineffective for kids [see New data show Pfizer not effective for kids 5 to 11 years old, Pfizer jab for 5 to 11 years fails FDA standard for 50% efficacy].

Whereas the earlier articles we published were published by the doctors who were ignored by mainstream media because they have been consistently speaking out against COVID shots, the article cited below is trusted by many health professionals and mainstream media. [We have seen Lancet commit fraud, but news about it did not reach mainstream media, see Scientific fraud at top medical journals affect world COVID-19 policy].

This data from Italy is as clear as day: children do not need these shots. Why are governments insisting on vaccinating even younger children? Why are they insisting on booster doses? [See Pfizer wants children aged 5 to 11 to take boosters, Moderna wants to vaccinate children 6 months to 5 years, DOH Approves COVID Boosters For Minors, US FDA Authorizes Pfizer, Moderna for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers despite vaccine risks, FDA okays Monderna vax for children 6-11 years old].

Do parents know the dangers of these COVID shots? Do they know that many health experts are cautioning against its rollout? [Read 30% of Docs Say They Don’t Want Own Kids 5-11 to Get COVID Vaccine, Head of German Vaccination Commission Says He Won’t Vaccinate His Child, Finland will not recommend COVID injections for healthy children aged 5 to 11 years, Sweden will not recommend COVID vaccines for kids aged 5 to 11 years, Norway Believes Natural Immunity is Better Protection for Children Five to 11 Years, Group of Senior Doctors and Scientists Call on JCVI to Pause Roll out of COVID Vaccines to Children 5 to 11 years, Researchers find cases of MIS-C among vaccinated young people, COVID Vaccines Would Kill 117 Children Aged Five to 11-Year-Olds in Order to Save One Child Dying from COVID].

Do parents know that the shots did not even meet the 50% requirement for effectiveness established by the US Food and Drug Authority for the issuance of the Emergency Use Authority.1 How did the manufacturers of these COVID shots get secure the EUA if they did not meet the requirements?

Take note that the EUA issued by the FDA was for the rollout of the shots to ALL children, even the healthy ones. Why did the FDA allow this useless and dangerous shot to be administered to young children?

We must remember that it is already an established fact that young children are not affected by COVID. Only very few get infected, and when they do, the symptoms are typically very mild, regardless of the COVID variant in circulation. [Read No Need for Vaccines: Children’s Immune Systems Primed and Ready for SARS-CoV-2, Thousands of Physicians and Scientists Reach Consensus: Natural Immunity Works, Children Do Not Need COVID Vaccination, German study confirms Children at VERY low risk of COVID-related severe disease and death, Peer-reviewed research shows immunocompromised children at no increased risk of severe COVID, Study shows babies and toddlers generates stronger immune response against COVID than adults, COVID Deaths Remain Rare in Children and Young People, COVID Reinfection Remains Rare In Kids].

Why did the FDA approve these shots [Here, The Great Reset once again shows its face, read Digital Surveillance: The Real Motive Behind Push to Vaccinate Kids].

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  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/06/30/coronavirus-vaccine-approval-fda/p

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