January 19, 2025

New data show Pfizer not effective for kids 5 to 11 years old

New data show Pfizer not effective for kids 5 to 11 years old

The following article was written by Apoorva Mandavilli and Noah Weiland and was published by the New York Times last February 28, 2022.

The article reports on the recent report of a study that utilized the large data set collected by health officials in New York State. The study, which analyzed data from 852,384 newly fully vaccinated children aged 12 to 17 years and 365,502 children aged 5 to 11 years between Dec. 13, 2021, and Jan. 31, 2022, showed that the vaccine offers virtually no protection against infection, even within a month after full immunization.

Other important findings in the study include the following:

  • Pfizer’s vaccine effectiveness (VE) showed negative VE in children aged 5 to 11 years after only 35 days.
  • Children aged 5 to 11 years were 40% more likely to test positive for COVID 42 day after vaccination.

The research says that the sharp drop in the vaccine’s performance among children could be due to the fact that the dose for kids is one-third the dose given to older children and adults. Experts, however, caution against giving children higher doses as “data suggest that it may cause too many fevers, an unwelcome and potentially dangerous side effect in young children”.

These results come after clinical trial results found that the vaccine fares poorly in children aged 2 to 4 years. Despite their findings, researchers still recommend the vaccination as it “still prevents severe illness in children”. Pfizer and BioNTech are currently testing the third dose on children under 5, hoping that this would significantly augment immunity just as it did for adults. Experts also think that variant-specific vaccines may provide better immunity for children.

The actual study was conducted by Vajeera Dorabawila, Dina Hoefer, Ursula E Bauer, Mary Bassett, Emily Lutterloh, Eli Rosenberg and may be accessed through medRxiv.

Editor’s Note: It is obvious from this article that Pfizer is hell-bent on creating a COVID vaccine that will be used on children. It doesn’t matter if children do not need these vaccines, they will make it and try to get it rolled out anyway!

Here is another example where researchers make a different conclusion even when their findings are already showing that the COVID jabs should not be used in children. We find it outrageous that these vaccines continue to be used among young people and that there are attempts at rolling this out to babies! [See Fauci and Pfizer are After Young Children, Hoping FDA to Authorize Pfizer COVID Jab for Two to Four-Year-Olds].

We must remember that the risk for severe disease and death among young people below 19 years old is VERY LOW, and survival is close to 100% [see Updated IFR for COVID Confirms 99.9987% Survival for Under-20’s, CDC updates planning scenarios, shows IFR lower than flu].

We have known this fact for a very long time. We have also known that the Pfizer jab has many adverse effects hence causing the CDC to reduce the vaccine dose for younger kids [read Pfizer’s Assassin Vaccine].

Now they are in trouble – how will they rationalize giving the vaccine to children, when vaccine “effectiveness” has reduced in less than a month? How will the CDC and Pfizer defend their desire to vaccinate babies when the vaccine cannot prevent illness?

To be sure, they will launch a marketing campaign to “spin” their failure so that it becomes beneficial for their business. We hope, however, that parents are more conscientious for their children’s sake. [Also read Should you vaccinate your children? and Will Vaccinating Our Children Make Our Society COVID-Safe?]

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