EU wants digital COVID passports extended by another year

In this February 3, 2022 press release, the European Commission (EC) proposed to extend the use of the European Union (EU) Digital COVID Certificate for another year, until June 30, 2023.
According to the EC, “Extending the Regulation will ensure that travellers can continue using their EU Digital COVID Certificate when travelling in the EU where Member States maintain certain public health measures”. Commisioner for Justice, Didier Reynders adds, “Without this extension, we risk having many divergent national systems, and all the confusion and obstacles that this would cause. The EU Digital COVID Certificate has proven an effective tool to facilitate safe and free travel. While I am looking forward to the day when it is no longer needed, but in the meantime, it will enable us to move around safely in Europe.”
The EC clarifies that the domestic use of EU Digital COVID Certificates is a matter for member states to decide on.
Editor’s Note: If there is one important indication that the “COVID pandemic” narrative is not yet over despite the huge decrease in COVID cases and deaths around the world, then it is this.
We have already discussed in several articles the uselessness of these vaccine passports [see No justification for vaccine passports: UK data shows fully vaccinated more prone to COVID infection than unvaccinated, France shows vaccine mandates, health passes, do not work, Israel Health Minister Admits Green Passport Has No Medical Purpose, Vaccinated people can still get infected with COVID-19, Fauci Admits Vaccines are Failing to Protect Vaccinated from COVID Hospitalization and Death, Omicron makes vaccine mandates obsolete].
Why would any country continue using it when it has no public health purpose and it has been proven to cause discrimination? [Read Los Angeles Implements Vaccine Passports, Creates Divisive, Discriminatory, Two-tiered Society, How Digital ID Will Segregate People Around the World, Laura Dodsworth: Vaccine passports will not contain a virus, they will contain people, Vaccine passports are the key to digital tyranny].
For us, there is only one reason that comes to mind: global control [read Digital Surveillance: The Real Motive Behind Push to Vaccinate Kids, Vaccine passports are the key to digital tyranny, Laura Dodsworth: Vaccine passports will not contain a virus, they will contain people].
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