FDA Experts Approves Updating Of COVID Shots For A Variant That No Longer Exists
![FDA Experts Approves Updating Of COVID Shots For A Variant That No Longer Exists FDA Experts Approves Updating Of COVID Shots For A Variant That No Longer Exists](https://covidcalltohumanity.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/MotleyFool-TMOT-bfbb8ad6-vaccine-bottles-copy-1024x546.webp)
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) expert advisory panel has voted in favor of recommending updated COVID shots specifically formulated for the Omicron variant. The report on this was written by Joseph Choi and published by The Hill last June 28, 2022.
Despite the recommendations, the report says that some members of the committee raised some important contentions. Here are some of them:
- Seasonal boosters were not the right approach to the COVID pandemic considering SARS-CoV-2 mutates faster than the influenza virus.
- An entirely different variant of the virus could emerge which could once again render the vaccine useless.
Editor’s Note: What is the purpose for developing an Omicron-specific vaccine when Omicron, a mild variant of a relatively mild virus, is already effective at immunizing people? [Read How dangerous are the new Omicron subvariants?, EU Medical Chief: Natural immunity Against COVID Could be Offered by Omicron, Mainstream media: Omicron will give most people potent and durable protection against COVID].
Moreover, it is quite clear at this point that natural immunity, not vaccines, is still a better defense against COVID [see New Study: Natural Immunity from Prior COVID Infection Among Unvaccinated Individuals Lasted for at least 650 Days, CDC Director Acknowledges Infection-Induced Immunity aka Natural Immunity, Study: Natural immunity still robust and persistent after one and a half year of recovery from COVID infection, Natural Immunity Protects Against Omicron Variant: Study].
Also, given the rapid transmission of Omicron, it is possible that a majority of people have already been infected by the variant and have not experienced any symptoms.1 Who needs these Omicron-specific shots then? And why would the US FDA want to purchase them when it still has millions of unused and expiring COVID shots in its stockpile?2 Do they really think that Americans will continue lining up for these COVID shots every time a new version comes out? Also, will these “updated” shots undergo the same “rigorous” clinical trial as their original versions? Or will they be tested directly on people?
We recommend you also read this article from Jordan Schachtel, to discover proof showing that these “updated” shots are already useless because the variant for which they were created no longer exists.
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- https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/04/omicron-makes-up-95percent-of-sequenced-covid-cases-in-us-as-infections-hit-pandemic-record.html, https://www.economist.com/international/2021/12/18/the-omicron-variant-advances-at-an-incredible-rate, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/15/world/europe/uk-omicron-surge.html
- https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-coronavirus-pandemic-coronavirus-vaccine-health-9f6d21a33db8784ea94c3edd305b0d18, https://www.verywellhealth.com/expiring-doses-covid-19-vaccines-in-danger-of-waste-5189461