Belgian Court Rules COVID Vaccines Are Illegal

A court has ruled that the use of Covid Safe Ticket (CST) in Wallonia, Belgium is illegal. The judgment was made by Namur’s Court of First Instance, ruling in favor of a non-profit organization called ‘Notre bon droit’ (NBD) which has been fighting against the Belgian CST since it was installed last November 1, 2021.
According to the report, “the court said the freedom-restricting measure seems to be disproportionate to the objectives pursued. It added that the CST may also be in breach of European law.”
The court has ordered the Walloon government to pay a penalty of €5,000 per day as long as it does not stop enforcing the use of CST.
Editor’s Note: Remember how in March 2021, another Belgian court ruled against the constitutionality of COVID measures? [Read Brussels court orders Belgian state to lift all coronavirus measures]. Now, another Belgian court is saying that vaccine passports are illegal. These are clear indications that if the Philippines’ judicial system is still objective, then they will find the same evidences found by the Belgian courts that led them to make these rulings.
Now, compare at this new article and the older one linked above. Do you notice the similarity in the responses of the government? Why does the executive branch of the government think that it can simply override the rulings of the judicial branch? Is there a provision in constitutions suspending the check-and-balance mechanism of governments?
We add this article here because we want to show our Philippine authorities that in other countries, courts are already seeing the unconstitutional nature of the COVID policies imposed by governments [Also see Spanish Supreme Court rejects use of COVID passports for entry to indoor venues, Supreme Court says California cannot restrict religious household gatherings, Missouri Judge Says County Health Orders are Illegal and Must be Lifted, US Federal Court: Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Unconstitutional, German Court rules 2020 COVID curfews were illegal, Federal Judge Grants Injunction Against NY COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Health Care Workers, Arizona Attorney General rules vaccine mandate for public employees illegal, Top Spanish court rules lockdowns were unconstitutional, Kentucky judge rules governor’s COVID policies unconstitutional, Courts declare state lockdown orders unconstitutional, Austrian court: PCR test not suitable for diagnosis, Czech court halts requirement of a negative test for inbound travelers, Reykjavik court rules it is illegal to mandate people to stay at quarantine hotels, Scottish court rules church lockdown unlawful, Finland withdraws COVID lockdown after it was deemed unconstitutional, COVID fines against Israeli protesters unconstitutional, Portugese court rules PCR tests as unreliable and unlawful to quarantine people] .
Meanwhile, in the Philippines, the very institutions that are supposed to uphold our human rights and civil liberties are the same ones curtailing it.
Consider this: The Supreme Court has implemented without question Resolution 148-B issued by the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF), which is a non-legislating body [see IATF, Supreme Court Sued Over Mandatory COVID Jabs]. Both Congress and the Senate have entertained bills that will make COVID vaccination mandatory even when it is still experimental [read Congress sets deliberation for mandatory COVID vaccination bill].
If in the face of a man-made crisis, our democracy fails, then who will safeguard our freedoms? What then is the meaning behind #neverforget and #neveragain if we cannot see how dictatorship and totalitarianism taking hold in the Philippines? [See Attention Lawyers! Take Action! We are in the Midst of Medical Martial Law. Our Human Rights Are Being Trampled Upon and Millions Harmed by Illegal lockdowns. Plus Hundreds of Thousands are Killed/Harmed by Illegal Vaccines. Disaster Amidst a Fake Health Emergency in the Philippines., GUIDEBOOK TO END LOCKDOWNS NOW: An Executive Summary by Nicanor Perlas].
Our current constitution was made to ensure that this abuse of power never happens again. But why are our legislative and judicial branches no longer performing their role of ensuring that the executive branch is not abusing its power?
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