Austrian court: PCR test not suitable for diagnosis

The following article by Michael Mayrhofer was published by the German magazine Info Direkt on March 31, 2021. It covers a court ruling issued March 24, 2021, wherein the court stressed that PCR tests are not suitable for determining infections.
The ruling was granted following a complaint by the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) against the prohibition of its January 31 meeting in Vienna. The court says that based on scientific studies, the prohibition put forward by the Vienna State Police Department is completely unfounded. The ruling also states that the case definition used by the Ministry of Health contradicts that of the World Health Organization, which refuses to rely solely on PCR tests to diagnose infection [see WHO finally admits the problem of PCR tests for a brief summary].
The original copy of the ruling may be read at the Administrative Court Vienna. An English translation may be found at Great Game India.
The article attached below is in German, and may be translated using DeepL Translate.
Editor’s Note: We will remember that back in December 2020, Austrian FPÖ Member of Parliament Michael Schnedlitz conducted a live COVID test using Coca-Cola to illustrate that the tests are faulty.1 The Coca-Cola sample returned a positive test result, to which Schnedlitz said, “The coronavirus mass tests are worthless! This was also shown by a simple experiment in parliament, in which cola got a positive result! But this government spends tens of millions in taxpayers’ money for precisely these tests.”
We are happy to see that the Austrian courts, at least, are paying attention. In October 2020, an Austrian court also declared lockdowns unconstitutional, but this development was buried by mainstream media.2
This court is the second to declare PCR tests to be meaningless for diagnosis and policymaking [see Portuguese court rules PCR tests as unreliable and unlawful to quarantine people]. This tells us that if people only followed the evidence and not the fear-based reports of mainstream media and some health authorities, then they will come to the same conclusion. Coronavirus policies, all based on positive PCR tests, are all illogical. Some are even unconstitutional and unlawful [Finland withdraws COVID lockdown after it was deemed unconstitutional, COVID fines against Israeli protesters unconstitutional, Toronto police question unconstitutional public health measures, Weimar Court: No more masks, tests, and distancing for students, German court in Weimar declares lockdowns unconstitutional, Scottish court rules church lockdown unlawful]. They must be all be lifted immediately.
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- The video of the test may be found here: Also read
- See
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