Kentucky judge rules governor’s COVID policies unconstitutional

In this June 9, 2021 article for Blaze, Daniel Horowitz reports on the resolution of a breakthrough lawsuit in Kentucky.
On June 8, 2021, Boone County, Kentucky, Circuit Judge Richard Brueggemann issued a permanent injunction against all of Governor Andy Beshear’s COVID restrictions. The injunction was broad and sweeping, and it declares all COVID mandates unconstitutional.
According to Horowitz, this article is significant because it “finally lays down the marker that such mandates are unconstitutional headed forward”. It means that such restrictions cannot be implemented in the future under similar circumstances.
Some of the evidences presented in court included expert testimonies from Stephen Petty who testified on the harm caused by masks and the illogicality of the six-foot-distancing rule.
The judge also cited COVID-related data from neighboring states with fewer restrictions which demonstrates that these restrictions made no difference in the natural progression of the virus. The judge said, “data comparison demonstrate there to be no emergency justification for continuing Governor Beshear’s orders”.
A copy of the injuction may be found below.
Editor’s Note: This article is important because it corroborates all the insights we have been sharing on this website. COVID restrictions have not served their desired purpose – they have not stopped the virus from spreading, and have in fact causes greater harm.
If a court of law in the US, just by reviewing the evidences presented, has found that there is no real emergency that merits extraordinary, liberty-curtailing restrictions, then we are sure that any other court will find the same conclusion.
Just as we keep repeating: the science is clear. We advise government officials to wind down all COVID restrictions before similar lawsuits knock on their doors. [Internationally, several countries are already facing lawsuits filed against them by their own citizens, see Lawyers sue Canadian Government to halt all COVID measures forced upon children, UK government and corrupt scientific advisors to be tried for Crimes Against Humanity and genocide, Israelis file lawsuit to abolish the Green Pass].
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