Germany: More than 23,000 Doctors Have Quit the Inoculation Roll-out

In an August 17, 2021 article published in News in 24, over 23,000 German doctors have quit the genocide campaign to inoculate entire populations with COVID “vaccines.”
Robert Koch Institut shared the report in a German newspaper Welt Am Sonntag1, 52,600 healthcare professionals initially participated in the inoculation campaign in Germany. However, from August 2 to 8, 2021, only 29,300 practitioners were left offering the COVID injection. That is a decline of 44% (23,300) among those doctors who partook in the campaign.
The report stated that on September 30, 2021, 11 out of 16 federal states will close vaccination centers. Bavaria and Schleswig-Holstein will leave their centers open but will run at limited capacity. On the other hand, unvaccinated people are being put under further pressure, with government subsidies for COVID tests pulled by October 11. Proof of vaccination, recovery certificate or negative tests will be required to access hotels, cafes, salons, and other public places, including sports and events. The same rule applies to visitors to hospitals, retirement, and nursing homes.
Editor’s Note: Health practitioners deciding not to take part in the “vaccination” agenda is a clear sign that some significant changes will happen soon. It is also a sign that medical practitioners are awakening to the dangers of these “vaccines.”
Another indication of this awakening is a two-week moratorium2 of licenses of all the covid injections in Germany, and inoculation is currently not recommended. There are reports of increasing numbers of positive cases among the vaccinated, and the many reports of adverse events have pushed the Federal governments to reevaluate their previous criteria.
Here are other indications that these “vaccines” are unnecessary:
- No benefit from getting the jab; you are putting your health at risk because covid injections are not effective as you think. [See COVID vaccines not as effective as you think; Study: Public misled about the efficacy reports of mRNA vaccines; Doctors: No global pandemic, COVID-19 vaccines not safe; New study from Cleveland Clinic shows vaccine provides no added benefit to those who already had COVID; Finland study shows vaccines, universal masking, useless against Delta variant]
- ‘Vaccines’ do not contain the transmission; you can still contract and transmit SARS-CoV-2. [Read CDC Lies Again, Creates a Horribly Confusing Definition of “Unvaccinated”; CDC Head declares COVID ‘vaccines’ don’t prevent infections or transmissions; COVID Vaccines Do Not Prevent Transmission, Will Lead to a Variant Killing 35% of People it Infects; Fauci: Early COVID-19 vaccines will only prevent symptoms, not block infection; Dr. Harvey Risch: 60% of new COVID patients have received vaccines; New COVID surge in 4 out of 5 top vaccinated countries in the world]
- Vaccinated is not protective against emerging variants. [See; New lies revealed: Death rate from Delta variant 6x higher among fully vaccinated; Pro-vaccine immunologist: “I would probably prefer to have natural immunity”]
- You can not reach herd immunity through these covid-shots. [See Israel, once the model for beating COVID, now has one of the highest infections in the world; Iceland and Denmark: No herd immunity from vaccines; Iceland epidemiologist says herd immunity cannot be achieved by vaccines; New York Times: Herd immunity will not be achieved with vaccines]
- ‘Vaccines’ create variants [Read Nobel Prize Winner: Covid vaccine is creating variants that can escape vaccine-induced immunity; Dr. Robert Malone: COVID vaccines are causing the virus to become more infectious; France’s long-time vaccine policy chief: covid policy is “completely stupid” and “unethical”].
- Vaccines are bioweapon and will kill and injure millions. Governments should stop mass inoculation if they truly prioritize public health and public interest. [See Scientists Sound Alarm: Vaccines Will Kill Millions; New study: Vaccines are the likely cause of adverse effects and deaths following vaccination; EMA: 10,570 dead, 405,259 injured following COVID injections; Pro-Vaccine expert warns: Stop mass vaccinations]
When governments genuinely believe in the efficacy and safety of these vaccines, they should tag the cases of patients according to vaccination status, just like what Mandaluyong City is doing. [See Mandaluyong City uses new reporting strategy: Shows more vaccinated people getting symptomatic COVID]. They should also allow an autopsy of the deceased COVID-19 patient who is also vaccinated to know the actual cause of death.[ See Ground-breaking autopsy report shows the vaccinated had toxic spike proteins all over the body] This way, humanity will have peace of mind and trust in the science that governments and international health organizations are so adamantly worshipping.
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