It’s All About Language: Covid Jab is Gene Therapy, Not a Vaccine

In this archived article by Dr. Joseph Mercola, he interviewed Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., a molecular biologist, and toxicologist.
Lindsay is the Director of Toxicology and Molecular Biology for Toxicology Support Services LLC. She has been in the news calling for an immediate halt to COVID-19 mRNA and DNA vaccines due to multiple safety concerns. [Dr. Janci Lindsay had a three-minute testimony before the CDC’s (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) on April 23, 2021, see Three reasons why vaccine rollouts must be stopped.]
The following are the highlights of Dr. Mercola’s discussion with Dr. Lindsay:
- Studies regarding vaccines are showing some devastating reproductive effects. [See 82% of pregnant women vaccinated during first and second trimesters suffered a spontaneous abortion and Do COVID vaccines disrupt women’s menstrual cycles?].
- The younger population, especially children, are at essentially zero risk for the disease, yet they are being inoculated by a medical product that is causing heart failure, pulmonary embolism, cardiac arrest in healthy teenagers. Despite these side effects, governments and many experts have failed to investigate the risk-versus-reward scenario for these vaccines [see No Need for Vaccines: Children’s Immune Systems Primed and Ready for SARS-CoV-2; COVID Vaccines Would Kill 117 Children Aged Five to 11-Year-Olds in Order to Save One Child Dying from COVID; Deaths from COVID are “Incredibly Rare” Among Children; One in 9 Children Suffered Severe Adverse Reaction from the COVID Vaccine].
- Since these jabs do not prevent infection but only lessen symptoms, they are actually a treatment, not prevention. They are not vaccines. They are gene therapies, which is a brand-new type of technology that has never been used in the human population in the way we are currently using it [see Bayer Pharmaceuticals President Admits mRNA “Vaccines” are Cell and Gene Therapy; Pfizer’s Assassin Vaccine; Covid Vaccines are Bioweapons for Mass Genocide].
- Our regulatory and safety agencies have been captured, in essence. They are not doing their job, and they are not doing their job to protect you or your children [see FDA Committee Members Reviewing Pfizer Vaccine For Children Have Connections with Pfizer].
Editor’s Note: Dr. Janci Lindsay is very steadfast with all her claims about these covid jabs, which has also put her in the limelight since she stepped forward last April to stand before the CDC. One of her points is that these jabs are not real vaccines but gene therapy.
If the manufacturers have told us they are experimenting on us through gene-altering treatment, would you allow it? Also, if these “vaccine” companies admitted that their products are gene therapy, there are stricter requirements that they must fulfill before their products are allowed to be released en masse [see Dr. David Martin: Experimental mRNA “vaccines” are not vaccines, they are a medical device].
Are we being played through semantics? By playing with language, they are able to change realities and influence how the public thinks [see How health officials weaponize language to manage public perception of COVID vaccines].
Linguistic programming has been the hallmark of this pandemic. The repetition and guilt-bait programming, are all about language. Even WHO and CDC utilize language to manipulate the heedless masses [First, the WHO removed hospitalizations and deaths in the definition of a pandemic, see WHO deletes info on natural immunity on its website; Why the WHO cannot be trusted. Also read CDC change definition of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated, Another Deception from CDC: Changed ‘Vaccine’ and ‘Vaccination’ Definitions. Now they are attempting to change the definition of full vaccination to include boosters, see Fauci Predicts Change in the Definition of “Fully Vaccinated”].
Also, Dr. Anthony Fauci was caught lying numerous times and he used semantics to get away from his crime. For example, regarding the use of masks. He mentioned early on the pandemic that it doesn’t protect the wearer from the infection and later on, took it back with some pathetic reason [see these various articles how Fauci illogically shifts his language Fauci caught lying again, this time about NIAID’s ties with Wuhan LabFauci caught lying again; Fauci sidesteps latest developments in natural immunity, Fauci Fear-Mongers Again: Says US Could Experience Fifth Wave in COVID Infections, Fauci Admits Vaccines are Failing to Protect Vaccinated from COVID Hospitalization and Death]. However, some authorities blindly follow this man’s words.
Also, Dr. Lindsay mentioned a paper published in 2006 titled Disease Mitigation Measures in the Control of Pandemic Influenza. She said, “It goes through World Health Organization and CDC guidelines on how to react during a pandemic and what works and what doesn’t work, and it clearly points out that masks don’t work. Back then, they knew at that point they don’t work. Travel lockdowns don’t work. It’s a wonderful paper to basically go through everything that we have done in response to this pandemic and say that that’s an inappropriate way to respond, and we have scientific data that proves it.” [We encourage you to read this 10-page strategy. It highlights the idiocy of the pandemic measures governments have subjected their countries to, read here.]
Furthermore, we have a copy of the more recent WHO analysis on the various non-pharmaceutical interventions used during pandemics. There, it is clear that a majority of the freedom-curtailing policies imposed on the world in 2020 were experimental and had no scientific basis [see Will the real WHO please stand up?].
We have to deprogram ourselves by becoming aware and heeding all information being laid before us. To make decisions according to intuition and not through fear and we have to unite with other guardians of freedom.
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