Japanese Health Ministry: COVID Vaccination Not Mandatory, to be Given Only with Informed Consent

The following notice was released by the Japanese Health Ministry (JHM) and provides information on how citizens can get vaccinated, as well as some information about the three vaccines available in the country.
Unlike other countries with mass rollouts of COVID vaccines, the JHM admits that vaccinations can cause health problems such as illness and disability. It also discusses ways on how individuals who experience serious side effects can access compensation for damage.
The notice adds, “Vaccination will be given only with the consent of the person to be vaccinated after the information provided. Please get vaccinated of your own decision, understanding both the effectiveness in preventing infectious diseases and the risk of side effects. No vaccination will be given without consent. Please do not force anyone in your workplace or those who are around you to be vaccinated, and do not discriminate against those who have not been vaccinated.”
Editor’s Note: This initiative from the Japanese Health Ministry is exactly what we have been asking for from our government: to give citizens the capacity to make the independent decision on whether to take the vaccines or not.
True informed consent can only happen when citizens know the costs and benefits of the vaccine. If a government respects its citizens, it will divulge all the information it knows about the potential side effects, in the same way, that they uphold all the benefits of the “vaccine”.
It is difficult to accept that kind of respect is not present in many countries, not in the US, UK, and most especially, not in the Philippines. Our governments continue to repeat the mantra that these vaccines are “safe and effective”, launching all sorts of advertising campaigns and gimmicks to increase vaccine take-up, while at the same time, exerting all efforts to disregard and deny all the side effects it causes.
Not content with lying, our governments are now even risking the lives of our children by subjecting them to a widescale experiment from which they might never recover [see , Pfizer Concealed Documents Proving that Covid Jab Will Kill Children, Hongkong finds increased myocarditis in teens, COVID Vaccines Would Kill 117 Children Aged Five to 11-Year-Olds in Order to Save One Child Dying from COVID, Expert: Costs of COVID Vaccines Outweigh Benefits, Microbiologist: “Enlisting kids in clinical trial is unfathomable”, France Halts Use of Moderna for People Under 30 Years, Taiwan halts second dose of Pfizer COVID vaccine for children aged 12-17 years, Thousands of Physicians and Scientists Reach Consensus: Natural Immunity Works, Children Do Not Need COVID Vaccination, Oxford University Infectious Disease Experts Say NO to COVID Vaccines for Children, No Need for Vaccines: Children’s Immune Systems Primed and Ready for SARS-CoV-2].
What the government is doing today is unethical. The issuance of resolutions that mandate vaccination (or in the case of the Philippines, a resolution that imposes penalties on the unvaccinated) is all a violation of our right to decide for our own bodies [Read KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: A Legal Explanation by Atty. Aaron Soguilon, UN Human Rights Chief: ‘In No Circumstances’ is Forced Vaccination Okay, Ready to pushback? Here are some documents you can use to protect yourself from vaccine coercion].
We must remember that informed consent is one of the requirements of the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for these “vaccines”. Why are governments taking this away from us? [We have an idea, read Pfizer Controls Health Policy of 110 Countries, CCH Challenges the Duterte Government to Make Public Its Contract with Pfizer, Leaked Pfizer contracts show they knew of adverse effects and lack of long-term efficacy of vaccines].
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