January 21, 2025

Why Do Variants Keep on Emerging Despite Vaccination and Stringent Lockdowns?

Why Do Variants Keep on Emerging Despite Vaccination and Stringent Lockdowns?

There is no end to all these COVID variants because by nature, coronaviruses, like most viruses, evolve very fast. This has been thoroughly explained by evolutionary virologist Dr. Edward Holmes in a September 2020 article published by the New York Times. In the article, Dr. Holmes explained that most “variants” of SARS-CoV-2 are 99.95% similar to the original one.

Another article from Science News also explains that mutations in variants only refer to a change in the virus’ structure. Most of the time, it does nothing at all. We encourage you to check out the link below to get a visual idea of how many variants the SARS-CoV-2 currently has.

Vaccination: A Driver of Viral Mutation

Aside from the natural evolution of viruses, there is another important factor that is causing the rapid mutation of SARS-CoV-2. Scientists call it vaccine immune pressure wherein the virus “learns” to escape the vaccine-mediated immune response.

Leaky vaccines, or those vaccines that cannot stop the transmission of a disease, can promote the evolution of “hot” viral strains that can put the unvaccinated at greater risk. This idea has already been proven by several studies.

Data from countries today confirm that the COVID vaccine is a leaky vaccine and that it is driving the creation of new COVID variants

This claim has been also supported by a known Filipino Cardiologist, Dr. Rafael Castillo, and a member of the Board of Medicine Inquirer Health Columnists discussed with Deo Macalma in DZRHTV Damdaming Bayan.

Vaccines damage the innate immune system

Aside from the leaky nature of COVID vaccines, several studies are also showing that they are damaging our immune system.

COVID Vaccines are Failures

Just today, January 10, 2022, the Philippines recorded the highest daily COVID tally of 28,707 since the pandemic started.

This, despite reaching a vaccination milestone of 51%. We explained in a previous article what are the possible causes of this explosion in cases.

Another reason which was not discussed in that previous article is the fact that the COVID vaccines were created to be very narrow and would not have the capacity to protect against new variants. In the article below, Dr. Byram Bridle explains how the vaccines were created and why, in their very nature, they won’t be able to protect the vaccinated against future variants.

We must remember that these vaccines are not medicines. They work only if a person has a healthy immune system.

Only natural immunity has the robustness to protect us from all variants of COVID

There is no greater protection against any pathogen than that of a well-trained immune system. Geert Vanden Bossche, one of the first scientists to raise the alarm on the possibility of “monster viruses” as an effect of mass vaccination with leaky COVID vaccines has also said that only natural immunity can create herd immunity.

This assertion has been confirmed by many other researches.

Research also shows that natural immunity is not only long-lasting, it is also more powerful than vaccine-mediated immunity.

Unlike vaccines, natural immunity can stop transmission.

Failure of vaccines combined with the fearmongering on COVID variants can lead to neverending boosters.

In fact, several country officials are already saying that boosters are going to be a reality for the future.

Governments have weaponized variants to impose neverending lockdowns and other restrictions.

And as long as governments are obsessed with keeping COVID infections to zero, and monitoring variants even when they are benign, then there will be no end to the panic and COVID fanaticism.

In 2020, we already raised the reality that governments are using the “pandemic” to seize power.

Once regarded as “conspiracy theory”, it is now a reality we must grapple with every day as more and more governments reimpose the failed draconian measures of 2020, all thanks to the new COVID variants.

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