New Study Shows Natural Immunity More Protective Over Time Than COVID Vaccination

The following article was written by Zachary Stieber and was published by The Epoch Times last December 10, 2021. In it, Stieber reports on the findings of a new study from Israel.
Here are some of the pertinent findings of the research:
- Based on the data from August to September 2021, the researchers found that COVID-19 infections and severe disease were higher among the vaccinated compared to those who recovered from COVID (or those who are naturally immune).
- Protection against infection among both the recovered and vaccinated, but the drop was more pronounced among the vaccinated.
- Comparing the case rates between people with natural immunity who later got a vaccine, and people who got a vaccine and later recovered from an infection, the researchers found that case rates were lowest among those who were naturally immune and received the shot afterwards.
Yair Goldberg, an associate professor at the Israel Insititute of Technology and head of the research team said, “We found that protection against the Delta variant wanes over time for both vaccinated and previously infected individuals and that an additional dose restores protection”.
Access the preprint of the research here:
Editor’s Note: Before we discuss our insights about this article, let us be clear on this one point: (decent and honest) scientists now agree that natural immunity offers more robust protection against COVID-19 [see Qatar Study Shows Naturally Immune People at Little Risk of Reinfection, Hundreds of Researches Confirm Natural Immunity is Complete and Longer-lasting, More Powerful than COVID Vaccines, Thousands of Physicians and Scientists Reach Consensus: Natural Immunity Works, Children Do Not Need COVID Vaccination, Geert Vanden Boosche: Natural immunity, not vaccines, will create herd immunity, Spectrum Health Workers Can Use Natural Immunity as Vaccine Mandate Exemption, Immune system has 27x more protective power than vaccines: Case for COVID vaccine passports demolished].
This new study out of Israel attempts to provide a case for vaccinating the naturally immune, but what it didn’t do is to study how the naturally immune could be harmed by this proposal. Sure, the data shows that natural immunity and vaccines could offer the best protection short term, but it is clear that the researchers did not look at the incidence of adverse reactions among the naturally immune who take the vaccine, as well as the capacity of the vaccine to degrade immunity [see COVID-recovered individuals risk experiencing more vaccine adverse effects, Research suggests Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine reprograms innate immune responses, Covid-Injection Lowers Natural Immunity by five- to six-fold, UK Government Data: Vaccinated are Seeing their Immune Response Plummet by About 5% Each Week].
Moreover, we must ask: how big a difference is the immunity between those who are naturally immune and unvaccinated, compared to those who are naturally immune and vaccinated? Why didn’t the research look at this data when it was already available for their assessment? Could it be that they didn’t want to elicit the ire of Big Pharma and health authorities if they see that there is no difference between these two groups?
Also, please take note of the very important conclusion of this research: long-term, natural immunity offers the best protection [this corroborates the conclusion of independent researches from other countries, read Finland study shows vaccines, universal masking, useless against Delta variant, New data shows vaccines useless against COVID in the long-term, Swedish study: Antibodies in fully vaxxed with Pfizer, Astrazeneca decline steeply after only a few months. Some scientists also make this same case, read Pro-vaccine internal medicine doctor explains why he won’t take the COVID vaccine, Pro-vaccine immunologist: “I would probably prefer to have natural immunity”].
If you don’t want to keep taking COVID vaccines for the rest of your life, then you know what you should do.
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