July 27, 2024
WHO: No Reported Deaths Due to Omicron

This photograph taken on March 5, 2021 shows the flag of the World Health Organization (WHO) at their headquarters in Geneva amid the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak. (Photo by Fabrice COFFRINI / AFP) (Photo by FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP via Getty Images)

The following article was written by Nathan Worcester and published by The Epoch Times last December 10, 2021.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has informed Epoch Times that there have been no documented deaths from the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2. The WHO says, that as of December 8, 2021, “for Omicron, we have not had any deaths reported, but it is still early in the clinical course of disease and this may change”.

WHO’s epidemiological report as of December 7 shows that all 212 Omicron cases documented in the European Union (EU) were either mild or asymptomatic.

This is consistent with the findings from South Africa. Dr. Angelique Coetzee, the chair of the South African Medical Association and one of the first doctors to treat patients with Omicron says: “Let me be clear: nothing I have seen about this new variant warrants the extreme action the UK government has taken in response to it…No one here in South Africa is known to have been [hospitalized] with the Omicron variant, nor is anyone here believed to have fallen seriously ill with it”.

Dr. Coetzee says that the symptoms of Omicron have been mild for both the vaccinated and unvaccinated. She adds, “In the beginning of any wave, children and younger people are the first to be affected…As the wave progresses, more elderly, people with comorbidities, start getting affected. When that happens, we will know exactly how many severe cases there are.”

Editor’s Note: The title of this article is clear: there have been no known deaths from Omicron, which means that the return of extreme COVID restrictions such as lockdowns and travel bans are all unwarranted.

Now, there has been several reports already saying that more vaccinated people are getting infected by the Omicron variant [see Vaccinated people more vulnerable to Omicron infection]. Some might be tempted to say: the reason no one has died of the Omicron is that they are vaccinated. Let us reiterate what Dr. Coetzee said: the variant is found to be mild, regardless of your vaccination status.

Due to the mild nature of Omicron, it will be difficult to even measure the “effectiveness” of these vaccines. Perhaps even the vulnerable will be unaffected by this new “scary” variant.

We sincerely hope that the results for the vaccinated will be nothing like the vaccines’ performance in the face of Delta [see Vaccinated Individuals More Prone to COVID Infection with Beta, Gamma, and Delta Variants, Study confirms jabs make no difference in spread of COVID, double-jabbed more prone to Delta infection, Pre-print study from Japan shows Delta will acquire complete resistance to current COVID vaccines, Document from Public Health England shows Delta less deadly than original strain, vaccinated more vulnerable to Delta variant, Finland study shows vaccines, universal masking, useless against Delta variant, Pfizer’s efficacy drops in Israel, cannot prevent people from getting COVID Delta variant, Almost 50% infected with Delta variant in Israel are fully vaccinated, Vaccines do not fully control Delta variant: Majority of COVID deaths are from vaccinated. Evidence of dangerous ADE at work].

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