Study confirms jabs make no difference in spread of COVID, double-jabbed more prone to Delta infection

A new study published by The Lancet last October 29, 2021, shows that people who are fully vaccinated against COVID transmit infection within their households just as well as the unvaccinated.
The study was included records from September 13 to 15, 2021, 471 of which were index cases (source of infection), and 602 were community contacts. It looked at the transmission risk for the Delta variant by vaccination status. The study was conducted by scientists from the Imperial College London, and with Prof. Neil Ferguson as one of the authors [Ferguson has been disgraced several times due to this wrongful projection of COVID deaths that has led many countries to lock down, see Experts: The code that led to lockdowns was a “buggy mess”, Death Rate, Science, Lockdown, Fear, the “New Normal”, Vaccines, Social Control and the Immune System].
Here are a few of the more important results and insights from the study:
- The spread of infection of the Delta variant was similar regardless of the vaccination status of the index case and the contacts.
- The rate of the spread of infection within households was slightly higher if the index case was fully vaccinated (25%) than if the index case is unvaccinated (23%).
- Recorded viral load decline were fastest for fully-vaccinated individuals with delta variant (0.84), and the unvaccinated infected with pre-alpha (0.69), alpha (0.82), and delta (0.79) variant infections
- The older the index case, the more infectious they were, regardless of their vaccination status.
- More vaccinated individuals were infected by the delta variant. 54% were fully-vaccinated, while 14% were partially vaccinated.
- Vaccine effectiveness at preventing infection with delta is at 34%.
- The spread of infection within households is unlikely to have been driven by younger people who remain unvaccinated. The researchers also add, “to our knowledge, there is no published evidence showing increased susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection with decreasing age.
- It is the “host and viral factors” that determine the spread of infection and the decline of viral load (which can be used as measure of infectiousness. The higher the viral load, the more infectious a person is).
- There is a better way to measure infectiousness than RT-PCR.
The study makes the following conclusions:
- Vaccinated individuals still have the potential to infect others, particularly early after infection.
- Vaccination alone is not sufficient to prevent all transmission of the delta variant in a household setting, where exposure is close and prolonged.
Editor’s Note: Knowing what we know already, we can say that this Lancet article is another propaganda article. This is even more evident as mainstream media has used this article to promote booster shots, vaccination of children, and the return of non-pharmaceutical interventions (such as lockdowns) to the UK in winter. Consider this article recently published by the Guardian1
The Guardian cited two “experts”, study co-author Prof. Ajit Lalvani and Prof. Rowland Kao, an epidemiologist at the University of Edinburgh. Lalvani “stressed that vaccination, including boosters, was important, noting that unvaccinated people cannot rely on the immunity of those who are fully jabbed for protection.” Meanwhile, Kao said, “The vaccinations of younger persons to slow down transmission in the community, and the boosters to directly protect against severe infection and hospitalisation…The result that vaccinated individuals who become infected appear to pose a similar infection risk to others also emphasises the need for continued or improved non-pharmaceutical interventions to further slow down transmission rates and ease hospital burdens over the winter”.
These are the conclusions one might mistakenly have by not reading the results of the study with a critical mind. For us, however, the issues are clear. For one, if vaccination status made no difference in the spread of infection among households where contact is “close and prolonged” (and hence, where transmission is most likely), then why is there preferential for the vaccinated? Why are they being given “rewards” when they contribute nothing to the end of this “pandemic”?
Second, the decline in the viral load (and hence, infectiousness) of an infected person cannot be directly connected to the vaccines, regardless of the authors’ efforts to do so. The professed “faster decline” in viral load among the vaccinated is too small to be significant. If you are going to force entire populations to take an experimental vaccine, and spend billions of dollars on a medical intervention that could kill its recipients and cause life-altering side effects, then it had better show an advantage greater than 5%.
The data from the study shows that it was the variant and the infected person’s general health that determines the strength and length of the period of infectiousness. This for us also means that the vaccines are worthless in curbing the path of the virus and that the focus should be on interventions that would improve health.
Lastly, we reiterate the fact that this is hidden from the public’s eye. If the COVID vaccine was meant to protect against the virus, then why can’t it protect the vaccinated?[Also read No justification for vaccine passports: UK data shows fully vaccinated more prone to COVID infection than unvaccinated, Waterford, Ireland: Vaccinated Patients in ICU as High as Total Number of COVID Patients in ICU Last Year, Former CDC Director: COVID deaths among fully vaccinated more common than we think, Taiwan has More Death from COVID Jab than COVID-19 Disease]
Vaccinated people are more prone to getting infected with the Delta variant compared to the unvaccinated. What kind of vaccine does that? This fact has been explained by new researches showing that the vaccines actually cause the decline of a person’s immune protection [see Covid-Injection Lowers Natural Immunity by five- to six-fold, Research suggests Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine reprograms innate immune responses, UK Government Data: Vaccinated are Seeing their Immune Response Plummet by About 5% Each Week] . It also explains why highly vaccinated countries are experiencing surges in cases. This last point stresses two things: (1) if we continue counting cases based on the faulty RT-PCR, then this pandemic will never end; (2) these vaccines were never the basis for the end of the pandemic.
Why are governments still wasting time and resources in selling these vaccines? This is a question you should strive to find an answer to, and if you go down this path, the answer will shock you.
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