Pfizer Scientists Caught on Camera: Natural Immunity Better than Covid Injection

Natural immunity is possibly stronger than COVID-19 vaccination, a Pfizer scientist stated in an undercover video. Zachary Stieber reports this story in his article published by The Epoch Times last October 6, 2021.
According to Stieber, Project Veritas undercover reporters recorded three Pfizer scientists speaking about natural immunity of recovered SARS-CoV-2 patients.
Here are some of their statements caught on video:
- Nick Karl, Pfizer Biochemist/Scientist who is directly involved in the production of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine said, “when somebody is naturally immune — like they got COVID — they probably have better, like not better, but more antibodies against the virus, so your antibodies are probably better at that point than the vaccination.”
- Chris Croce, Pfizer official, Senior Associate Scientist said, “you’re protected, most likely for longer since there was a natural response.”
- Rahul Khandke, Pfizer scientist, “logically, though, if you have antibodies built up, you should be able to prove that you have those built up. I don’t know, potentially that doesn’t seem that crazy.”
The Pfizer scientists add that they were required to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) particularly on issues relating to comparisons between natural immunity and the COVID vaccines.
Editor’s Note: This report is a smoking gun. It is concrete proof that Big Pharma is fully aware that natural immunity offers real protection from the virus [also see New York Times: Immunity to coronavirus may last for years; Nature Journal: SARS-CoV-2 infection induces lasting immunity; The Science is Clear: Our Immune System Can Confer Natural Immunity Against COVID and its Variants, Your immune system can protect you from COVID and all its future variants, anyone who says otherwise is lying]. It is an acknowledgment that the only way to mitigate this health dilemma is through natural immunity, not through the experimental gene therapy that their company (Pfizer) manufactured.
In the video, the scientist also shared that Pfizer employees have to go through several seminars where they are told that getting the company’s vaccine is safer than getting COVID-19 and that they cannot discuss the differences in public. It implies that Pfizer is putting so much effort into convincing their employees to participate in the propaganda, and what they are getting is top-secret. Such brainwashing happens to the public, too, through mainstream media and big techs’ manipulation. [See Trusted News Initiative or Corrupted News Initiative? Mission: Systematic censorship of the world’s top public health experts; How the media is pushing vaccine misinformation.]
There are increasing reports of Pfizer’s data manipulations to get the FDA emergency authorization use (EAU). [See Pfizer Manipulated Study Data to Get Emergency Use Authorization 12-to-15 Year-olds; Leaked Pfizer contracts show they knew of adverse effects and lack of long-term efficacy of vaccines.] Despite the substantial evidence confirming that Pfizer’s ‘vaccine’ is dangerous, the company’s COVID-19 vaccines are still being distributed worldwide. [See 59,614 adverse reactions, including 143 deaths following Pfizer jab in the UK; Expert evaluation on adverse effects of the Pfizer-COVID-19 vaccination; Pfizer whistleblower confirms poison in COVID vaccines.] Why is that? Could it be that Pfizer is dictating the game? [See Pfizer demands governments gamble with state assets to secure vaccine deal; Governments are signing secret vaccine deals.]
Numerous medical and health experts call for the promotion of natural immunity and the halting mass vaccination because it has perilous effects and is irreversible. [See Johns Hopkins professor: Ignore the CDC, natural immunity works; Immune system has 27x more protective power than vaccines: Case for COVID vaccine passports demolished; CDC cheats reporting on breakthrough cases, vaccinated in Israel 6.74 times more likely to be infected, natural immunity the way out; Pro-Vaccine expert warns: Stop mass vaccinations; Pro-vaccine expert on”immune escape”, mass vaccination, and the creation of “uncontrollable monster” viruses.] There is not just an iota of evidence but massive data to show this. Why are governments disregarding these facts? Could it be because Pfizer scientists are right, that this is about profit and not about public health?
Here are a few more quotes from the video:
Karl: “The city [of New York] needs like vax cards and everything. It’s just about making it so inconvenient for unvaccinated people to the point where they’re just like, ‘F*ck it. I’ll get it.’ You know?”
Croce: “I still feel like I work for an evil corporation because it comes down to profits in the end. I mean, I’m there to help people, not to make millions and millions of dollars. So, I mean, that’s the moral dilemma.”
Khandke: “We’re bred and taught to be like, ‘vaccine is safer than actually getting COVID.’ Honestly, we had to do so many seminars on this. You have no idea. Like, we have to sit there for hours and hours and listen to like — be like, ‘you cannot talk about this in public,’”
When natural immunity works, why would anyone take the experimental covid injections? Even the manufacturer’s own employees are already spilling the beans. Shouldn’t you be cautious too?
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