Pfizer whistleblower confirms poison in COVID vaccines

This July 28, 2021 article published by Red Voice Media features a 25-minute interview between Stew Peters and Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee who confirmed the presence of graphene oxide in all COVID vaccines.
This interview comes after Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby were subjected to widespread attacks following their revelation of the study by Spanish researchers from the Laquinta Columna which revealed that Pfizer COVID vaccines had graphene oxide, a toxic poison.
In the interview, Kingston, who is now working as an analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical devices industries reveals documents that show that indeed, without graphene oxide, there will be no COVID vaccines. She also goes through each of the vaccines and explains how people can find the information she presents.
When Peters asked, “why are they using graphene oxide?”, Kingston answers: “Because it is a good conductor of electricity. It can connect you to the internet, that’s why”.
Editor’s Note: We recommend that you watch the full video below and make your own conclusions about it. As you watch, we hope you ask yourself: why are governments hiding this information from you? Why is mainstream media colluding with governments to cover up this integral information?
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