WHO Official Warns Virus Will Remain With Us Like Flu

The following is a September 10, 2021 article published by Daily Mail Online. In it, author Emily Craig reports that Dr. Hans Kluge, World Health Organization (WHO) Director for Europe, said that Covid vaccines won’t end the pandemic. Dr. Kluge added that governments must ‘gradually adapt a strategy’ that will allow countries to cope with the inevitable spread of the virus.
Previously, Kluge had said that the pandemic would be over once 70% of people were fully immunized. But he now admits that the situation has changed because new strains of Covid will continue to emerge, and the virus will remain with us like the flu.
Editor’s Note: Kluge is not the only WHO official that had said that COVID will remain with us like flu or other harmless viruses, for that matter. In May 2020, WHO emergencies director Dr. Mike Ryan noted that the coronavirus may become another endemic virus in our communities. [See WHO: The coronavirus may never go away] That perhaps, we are already living in the endemic stage since April of 2020. [See The truth about COVID-19: What data and science tells us; COVID Case fatality rate has been stagnant since November 2020]
These facts were being concealed by the trumpeting mainstream media. They didn’t talk about it, and they won’t. [See HART: Good news being ignored by mainstream media, COVID is becoming milder; Stanford’s Dr. John Ioannidis destroys the Covid lockdown narrative; Trusted News Initiative or Corrupted News Initiative? Mission: Systematic censorship of the world’s top public health experts]
Furthermore, with that evidence, what are the reasons for the governments’ draconian measures? What is the science behind the lockdowns? WE DO NOT HAVE PANDEMICS! Or maybe this is a showcase of power because there is no way that this is about the public’s interest and health. [See New data shows that there is no pandemic] The media is there to peddle fear, not to tell the truth. [See Facts, not fear, will end the pandemic, Trusted News Initiative or Corrupted News Initiative? Mission: Systematic censorship of the world’s top public health experts].
How about the social distancing, the mask-mandates, let alone the tremendously comical face-shield that is being mandated in the Philippines, what is the scientific basis? [See Will the real WHO please stand up?; New MIT study challenges scientific basis for social distancing policies; Meta-study shows that masks are dangerous]
The article indicates the following:
- Inoculation will not end the pandemic, but it will prolong the crisis, especially with emerging variants, breakthrough infections, and adverse events. [See New study: Vaccines are the likely cause of adverse effects and deaths following vaccination; Mass vaccination programs are failing, mainstream media attempt to misinform people; Pro-Vaccine expert warns: Stop mass vaccinations; Pro-vaccine expert on” immune escape”, mass vaccination, and the creation of “uncontrollable monster” viruses; Study shows vaccinated people play role in creating more dangerous COVID variants]
- Herd immunity cannot be achieved through vaccines. [See Iceland and Denmark: No herd immunity from vaccines; Iceland epidemiologist says herd immunity cannot be achieved by vaccines; Countries with the highest vaccination rates also facing surge in COVID cases and deaths; Nobel Prize Winner: Covid vaccine is creating variants that can escape vaccine-induced immunity]
- Vaccination should be stopped. [See Top FDA virologists, WHO scientists: No credible evidence for COVID booster shots; Pro-Vaccine expert warns: Stop mass vaccinations; Expert analysis of vaccination in Israel shows more people died from vaccine than from COVID-19 itself]
- Lastly, Covid injections are bioweapons, they will cause more cause more injuries and deaths than COVID [See Covid Vaccines are Bioweapons for Mass Genocide; NHS Whistleblower: The government’s COVID and vaccination policies are genocide, FDA advisory committee votes against booster shots, vaccine risks outweigh benefits especially for children]
Kluge failed to mention that the real way to unburden health care systems is to implement early treatment options [See Dr. Peter McCullough: Successful early treatment for COVID makes vaccines unnecessary]. He also failed to stress that what the public needs is to boost their immune system because there’s a plethora of evidence that natural immunity offers more robust protection. [See The Science is Clear: Our Immune System Can Confer Natural Immunity Against COVID and its Variants, Immune system has 27x more protective power than vaccines: Case for COVID vaccine passports demolished, Your immune system can protect you from COVID and all its future variants, anyone who says otherwise is lying, New study: T-cells induced by COVID infection can respond to new SARS-CoV-2 variants, Our immune system evolves to fight coronavirus variants].
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