The Philippines Sees Uptick on Heart Disease Incidences During Pandemic Says Expert

The prevalence of heart diseases in the Philippines rose by 28 percent during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, said Philippine Heart Association president Dr. Gilbert Vilela. This report was written by Charie Mae F. Abarca and was published by Manila Bulletin last March 3, 2022.

According to the article, Dr. Vilela said in the “Laging Handa” public briefing: “It is surprising and frightening. This happened during the pandemic, so the pandemic actually impacted cardiovascular disease. This was maybe because, at that time, people were afraid to go to the hospital and were not able to buy medicine.” (Translated from Filipino)

The expert then urged Filipinos to get inoculated and boosted, adding that the public “has everything to gain” from getting vaccinated. To quote: “I am pleading to our countrymen. Let us choose the news that we listen to. I will tell you this honestly: when you get vaccinated, you can save yourself and your loved ones. Why are we afraid of the vaccine? We have everything to gain from having ourselves vaccinated.”

Editor’s Note:  This kind of encouragement from an “expert” is cringe-worthy. When highly cited cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough adamantly campaigns against these gene-altering doses, here comes this doctor sounding like a Big Pharma Salesman.

Let’s dissect available Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) data using January to November 2020 and preliminary 2021 as reference.

First, there is a 26% increase in heart diseases [Vilela’s data perhaps covered Jan-Oct], specifically ischaemic heart disease, since it is the topmost cause of death. Is the increase in ischemic heart disease due to the pandemic, or is it a side effect of the vaccine? Early in 2021 FDA acknowledged that the vaccines cause heart inflammation [see FDA adds heart inflammation warning to Pfizer, Moderna experimental vaccines]. Also, there is considerable evidence to show that jabs led to heart inflammation [see Israel examines heart inflammation cases after Pfizer shot; CDC finds “likely” link between heart inflammation and mRNA vaccination; EMA finds vaccine link to heart inflammation].

Second, even if the ischemic heart disease was because people were afraid to go out, who is at fault there? Who was it that issued 24/7 fearmongering news, overestimating the risk of COVID? Also, may we remind the people that in the height of the pandemic, when fear was at its peak, deaths due to ischaemic heart disease rose only for a few percentages (see PSA data on deaths shows government either manipulating us or covering up their mistake). When the vaccines started being rolled out, heart disease increased by 26% and whooping 51.6% growth from a five-year average. If this was simply about fear, why are people more afraid to go out when the vaccines were already being rolled out than when the pandemic was supposedly at its height? See image 1 below for increased ischaemic heart disorder for the past five-six years.

Third, How many of these people who died of heart attack expired because there was no hospital available? How many died because they had no money to buy medicine or because their families were afraid to go to hospitals because they had no money to pay for hospital bills? That wasn’t the work of the virus and is collateral damage to the government’s policies. Were these even considered before governments implemented their current game plan? Or are these all unintended consequences?

May we request Dr. Vilela to peruse documents from CDC on natural immunity and vaccines’ waning efficacy [see CDC: No Record of Naturally Immune Transmitting COVID-19; New CDC Study Shows mRNA Vaccine Protection Against COVID-19 Is Waning; Iceland: Vaccines Not Enough, as Many as Possible People Need to be Infected for herd immunity. Also, see Updated IFR for COVID Confirms 99.9987% Survival for Under-20’s; COVID vaccination more deadly than COVID for individuals below 80 years; Researchers find cases of MIS-C among vaccinated young people; Risk of Developing Acute Coronary Syndrome Increases After Vaccination; Dr. Vernon Coleman: mRNA Jabs are Causing Cardiac Disorders Resulting to Sudden Deaths and Serious Injuries].

The public’s trust in medical doctors is already eroding; we hope Dr. Gilbert Vilela is more responsible in endorsing a product under emergency use. [See PfizerGate Scandal: The Worldwide Cover-up of Data to Hide Covid-19 Vaccines Cause VAIDS ; Pfizer’s Assassin Vaccine; “Vaccines” are Premeditated Murder. MSM Snubs Massive Proof  ] Unaware, and compliant Filipinos will gain nothing except for future diseases, Vilela’s endorsement will surely pave the way for Big Pharma to amass billions.

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