Why are Other Countries Now Acknowledging Natural Immunity in the Absence of Vaccination?


When one recovers from COVID, one gets broad, durable, and long-lasting natural immunity against the virus.

Unlike vaccines, whose efficacy declines after only a few months, natural immunity ensures fewer chances of reinfection, or when reinfection does occur, they are typically mild and manageable.

Perhaps the biggest advantage of natural immunity is that it creates herd immunity. It stops transmission of the virus, hence protecting vulnerable populations.

Early studies have also shown that most healthy and young individuals do not even get a positive COVID test, but they develop lasting immunity against the virus by mere exposure to a COVID-positive individual. This is how powerful our immune system is.

These are just some of the reasons why several countries in Europe such as Switzerland[efn_note]https://covidcertificate-form.admin.ch/foreign[/efn_note], Italy[efn_note]Italy’s Green Pass recognizes natural immunity[/efn_note], and Germany[efn_note]https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/tips/5-countries-you-can-travel-to-with-proof-of-covid-19-recovery/ar-AAT0QZv[/efn_note] now allow unvaccinated travellers who recovered from COVID-19 to enter their countries. Meanwhile, the United States and several institutions there are now accepting proof of natural immunity in place of vaccination [efn_note]see Spectrum Health Workers Can Use Natural Immunity as Vaccine Mandate Exemption[/efn_note].

The question is: if the goal of the Philippine government is to ensure the safe reopening of the country, why are they ignoring natural immunity? Why does the government insist on vaccination when natural immunity is so much more robust and powerful?

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