CDC Director Says Study of Vaccinated People Show 75% of COVID-19 Fatality Had Four or More Comorbidities

In a January 10, 2022 article published in the Washington Examiner, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky says a study of vaccinated people show 75% of COVID-19 deaths ‘had four or more comorbidities,’ the fact that many experts have been saying in 2020 but has been largely ignored by government health experts.

According to the report, Walensky gave that comment on ABC’s Good Morning America on January 7. Skeptics have earlier said that the COVID-19 death toll was inflated by people who died WITH COVID-19 instead of DUE TO COVID-19. Some claimed they were made into pariahs or punished on social media for making these claims [see Media Outlets Scramble to Point Fingers Before COVID Fiasco is Fully Dismantled].

This statement of Walensky was made a few days after Dr. Anthony Fauci said on TV that statistics on child hospitalizations are being overcounted [see Fauci: Children Hospitalized because of COVID are Overcounted].

Editor’s Note:  Walensky referred to a study published in CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)[efn_note][/efn_note]. In the study, it may appear that death was small compared to the number of recipients, but when we say pandemic, the severity of the disease and mortality should matter.

This article highlights the supporting evidence concretizing Walensky’s statement:

Image 1. PSA Cause of Death, Jan-Oct 2021 Preliminary, Statistical table 4
  • The government then applies data manipulation and social engineering to make it seem like there are so many COVID deaths and COVID is lethal. However, the new estimates for infection fatality rate (IFR) show that COVID is slightly higher than the flu, but that all the irrational solutions run by the government, from lockdowns, and now vaccine mandates, were unnecessary (not to mention useless) [see Updated IFR for COVID Confirms 99.9987% Survival for Under-20’s].

These people tell us that COVID is deadly and COVID injection is our only savior; let’s tell them we believe in natural immunity. As Walensky has put it, only those who are immunocompromised and have comorbidities are at risk; most probably, their immunity has been more weakened by the jabs. [See The biggest public health threat is not a virus but a weakened immune system; COVID ‘vaccine failure’ more likely if you have a weakened immune system; Fauci Admits Vaccines are Failing to Protect Vaccinated from COVID Hospitalization and Death; Norway Study Finds ZERO Vaccine Effectiveness Against Death for Covid Hospital Patients; Study shows COVID vaccines unable to protect vulnerable groups; Study: Risk of death following vaccination higher than COVID-19 among the most vulnerable groups.]

For additional reading: The Great Barrington Declaration: Life must return to normal for the healthy, the vulnerable must be protected, and COVID-19 PANDEMIC: THE PHILIPPINE EXPERIENCE.

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