Philippine Hospitals Inundated With Non-COVID Patients: Could These be the Adverse Effects of COVID Jabs?

A December 9, 2021 article published in CNN Philippines states that hospitals in Metro Manila have reported a considerable drop in COVID-19 admissions over the past days, but health workers are still not getting a break to tend to non-COVID patients.

According to the report, Philippine General Hospital spokesperson Jonas del Rosario said on December 9, PGH recorded zero COVID-19 admission a few days back. New cases sluggishly coming in now with an average of two to three per day, down from over 20 patients during the surge.

However, the PGH’s newly opened emergency room is inundated with patients exhibiting pneumonia, lung and heart problems, and those who need surgery. Del Rosario said, “the Philippine General Hospital has opened a new emergency room. It is a big emergency room and what happened was people flocked to the emergency room. There was a deluge of people coming in, mostly non-COVID patients to the point that the ER easily got filled up, and we had a significant number of backlogs because the wards couldn’t catch up with patients coming in.” [Italics part was spoken in Filipino.]

Also, East Avenue Medical Center chief Alfonso Nuñez said their hospital is also experiencing the same thing because its emergency room, which can accommodate up to 70 patients, is now handling up to 100 non-COVID patients. “(The) admission rate of the hospital right now is around 93% bed capacity, pero (but) most of these are non-COVID cases. We have only 12 confirmed cases of COVID admitted in the East Avenue Medical Center.”

Editor’s Note: What exactly are we seeing here? Are we seeing the result of prolonged lockdowns and exacerbated illnesses that have been previously shoved to the back burner? Or are these people complaining about the recent medical intervention’s side effects? Are hospitals collecting the vaccination data of these non-COVID patients as a part of monitoring the impact of the mass rollout of an experimental vaccine? Or is discerning vaccination status only significant for eating at restaurants and entering businesses? In the UK, they monitor the vaccination status and tabulate cases accordingly [see COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report – week 51 (].

This occurrence is not isolated in the Philippines; other countries are experiencing skyrocketing non-covid hospitalization and deaths [see The Pandemic of Heart Attacks Caused by Blood Clots; Pathologist Reports 20-fold Increase of Cancer Diagnosis Among Vaccinated Patients. Hospitals are Overwhelmed, and Governments Do Not Know Why. Also, read;;].

More often than not, co-morbidities are being hailed as the culprit rather than a new substance injected inside the patient’s body. May we remind the authorities that there never was any safety data showing that the COVID jab was safe for the immunocompromised because these groups were excluded from the clinical trials [see 57 leading scientists, doctors, and public policy experts call for immediate halt to COVID vaccine rollout]. The “safety data” being touted by governments today is only the short-term result of mass experimentation on the unsuspecting public. And as time goes by, we are seeing that such declarations of “safety” are misplaced as the side effects are now slowly, but surely, being discovered. [Many countries now agree that these vaccines have side effects, see Japanese Health Ministry: COVID Vaccination Not Mandatory, to be Given Only with Informed Consent; FDA Report Finds All-Cause Mortality Higher Among Vaccinated; EMA finds vaccine link to heart inflammation; EU Lists Transverse Myelitis as Side Effect of J&J COVID-19 Shot; Taiwan halts second dose of Pfizer COVID vaccine for children aged 12-17 years; Singapore acknowledges dangers of vaccinating children and teenagers; Philippine FDA reports 79,166 adverse events, 91 deaths following COVID vaccination; Decision Made by UK Government to Vaccinate Those Aged Below 16 is Unscientific, Unethical, Immoral].

Seeing staggering numbers in hospitalizations and deaths among vaccinated, covid infected or not, why is the government refusing to acknowledge the possibility that the jabs have something to do with this increased propensity for illness? In fact, how can they ignore these new indicators when historically, coronavirus vaccines have always failed due to antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and pathogenic priming? [See 57 leading scientists, doctors, and public policy experts call for immediate halt to COVID vaccine rollout; Vaccines do not fully control Delta variant: Majority of COVID deaths are from vaccinated. Evidence of dangerous ADE at work; What is pathogenic priming?]

However, post-mortem should be encouraged to determine the contributory agent if the family allows it. Or those who are decided to take the jab should have blood works before and after the jab to see if the covid-dose is damaging their cells; that should be imposed determinants of injury. Also, to journal the changes in their body from the time they have the jab since this is all experimental, they should be treated as trial participants and let them jot down alterations in their everyday lives.

This way, it is easy to consider what is happening with their health once they suddenly fall ill. Doctors can be held accountable, too, since they are part of safe and effective propaganda. These jabs have already injured millions, and thousands succumbed to sudden deaths. Don’t be just part of the statistics; ask all the necessary questions on safety before surrendering yourself into this bioweapon [see W.H.O’s VigiAccess Shows More than Two Million Adverse Events Following COVID Vaccination; Vaccine-injured Speak Out: DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE; Pfizer’s Assassin Vaccine; Covid Vaccines are Bioweapons for Mass Genocide].

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