British Funeral Director Reveals Government Scare Propaganda, Covid Crimes and Deaths Following Vaccination
In the November 24, 2021 episode of the “The Defender” podcast, British funeral director John O’Looney spoke to Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. about what he witnessed while working on the frontlines of the COVID pandemic in the UK.
Here are some highlights of O’Looney’s statements to RFK Jr.:
- The UK media misrepresented COVID to scare the public. Powerful sedatives were overprescribed in senior care homes, and do not resuscitate (DNR) orders were assigned to patients without consent.
- Early in the pandemic, the BBC contacted him for an interview and then turned the interview into propaganda to spread fear. He said the BBC journalist spent 20 minutes going over “what she wanted [him] to say. [The BBC] got me to dress up in full PPE and a face mask, which is not something I would usually do.”
- As a funeral director, he witnessed many deaths wrongfully labeled as COVID deaths. [For example, he recalled the case of a man “who was hit by a car and [died with] tire marks from his head to his shoulder.” The man’s death was attributed to COVID.
- Senior care homes pushed the powerful sedative midazolam1 on older people. Through the UK’s equivalent of a Freedom of Information Act request, O’Looney discovered UK government purchase of midazolam rose by 300% to 1,000% during the pandemic [read Dr. Michael Yeadon: Virtually No One Died Solely of COVID Infection, Many are Victims of Inappropriate Treatment].
- O’Looney dismissed claims that he is “anti-vax,” saying he’s had “all vaccines throughout his lifetime except for the COVID vaccine because, he saw “firsthand the damage it’s doing.”
- He has seen an “unprecedented” number of deaths following COVID vaccination.
You can listen to the whole 16-minute podcast episode here.
Editor’s Note: We know the scandals surrounding this scamdemic. Governments seem to follow similar blueprints in how they are handling this so-called “health crisis”, beginning with the use of unscientific non-pharmaceutical interventions, to the implementation of vaccine passports [see France has Toppled Liberty; Austria Has Fallen to Tyranny, Orders Lockdown for Unvaccinated; No freedom in Australia: Unvaccinated cannot participate in society; Germany will imprison quarantine breakers in refugee camps; Los Angeles Implements Vaccine Passports, Creates Divisive, Discriminatory, Two-tiered Society; Israel’s vaccine pass will expire 6 months after second dose, people will need booster shots to enter non-essential businesses; Gibraltar, the World’s Most Vaccinated Country has Canceled Christmas Celebrations Amid COVID Spike; Despite High Vaccination rates, Europe is Returning to Lockdowns].
Could this be part of their pandemic simulation that happened during Event 201? [See Robert F. Kennedy Jr talk about this in his speech during his participation in November 12 event in Bern, Switzerland, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Supported the Alliance Against the Global War on Democracy, Proof that the COVID-19 crisis was planned to usher in a new world order].
We included this on the website because misrepresentation of covid death is still happening rampantly, and in the Philippines, based on the Our World in Data, there is a rise in deaths that need to be investigated. See the graph below.
This has not been discussed anywhere, but the death peaks and troughs are alarming. It shows the decline in covid positive cases but the COVID death statistics are showing an upward trend. What could be driving this has to be scrutinized by the Department of Health (DOH).
See related data below, collected from the Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA) from 2016-2021. The 2021 data is extracted from available preliminary data for this year. There’s already a huge leap compared to the five-year average of the same period, January to June.
Is this occurrence similar to what is happening in other countries? [See Worldwide data from 185 nations prove that the highest death rates are in the most vaccinated countries]. Is there something the DOH is not telling the public? O’Looney has witnessed unprecedented deaths following the inoculations, and in one of his interviews, he said: He is dealing with murder victims [see and another interview with Stew Peters, he said, he witnessed a huge explosion in deaths, but it wasn’t in 2020, it was in early 2021, and it happened almost the moment mass vaccination began. Now, he is seeing death from all age range and almost all decedents are vaccinated, see].
Is the Philippines heading towards the same demise? Or is it already happening, just conveniently hidden by the inadequate pharmacovigilance in the country?
How does the government determine which deaths are due to the vaccine, and which are not? How do they say that one death following vaccination is unrelated to vaccination?
Maybe, we need post-mortem investigations for all vaccinated deaths, especially those who died within 72 hours after inoculation [see New study: Vaccines are the likely cause of adverse effects and deaths following vaccination].
Other countries do this, authorities intervene to lay down the truth. Why can’t the DOH employ this strategy and not merely deceive people with their “safe and effective” narrative just to reach their vaccination objectives? Are they so impudent to refute that people are dying, and these jabs are far from what they want the unmindful public to believe?
Again, numbers do not lie. Soon enough, perpetrators will no longer have alibis to conceal their atrocity [see Taiwan has More Death from COVID Jab than COVID-19 Disease; Majority of Covid-19 Deaths and Hospitalizations in Scotland are Fully Vaccinated; Waterford, Ireland: Vaccinated Patients in ICU as High as Total Number of COVID Patients in ICU Last Year; Pathologist Reports 20-fold Increase of Cancer Diagnosis Among Vaccinated Patients; Hospitals are Overwhelmed, and Governments Do Not Know Why; UK Government Data: Vaccinated are Seeing their Immune Response Plummet by About 5% Each Week; Singapore Overtakes 2020 Record Despite High Vaccination Rate, Experts Admit Surge due to Waning Protection from Vaccine].
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