In a November 29, 2021 article published in The Defender, Megan Redshaw reported that a man from Texas died after taking the second Moderna shot. According to the report, the man previously recovered from COVID but was forced to take the Covid-19 jab to remain on the lung transplant waitlist.
According to Bobby Bolin’s wife, Amy Bolin, doctors who evaluated him for a double lung transplant found that he had only 15 percent lung capacity. After he was approved for a transplant and placed on the waitlist, he was told he needed to get vaccinated against Covid-19 to remain eligible despite the fact he had already recovered from the virus. Shortly after being fully vaccinated [April 17] of Moderna, he developed pulmonary embolism[efn_note][/efn_note] and atrial fibrillation[efn_note][/efn_note]. Bolin’s health deteriorated rapidly. On August 20, he passed away, never receiving his new lungs.
Editor’s Note: We have heard of people who are on the organ waiting list being coerced to take the jab or be taken down from the list [see Hospital Requires COVID Jabs for Patients Who Will Undergo Organ Transplant; Colorado Hospital Removes Patient from Kidney Transplant List for Being Unvaccinated].
Several studies are showing that most people with comorbidities are unable to develop COVID antibodies even after immunization, regardless of what the vaccine is [see COVID ‘vaccine failure’ more likely if you have a weakened immune system; Norway officials warn frail elderly against side effects of COVID experimental vaccines; Despite THREE Pfizer COVID Shots Teacher Hospitalized With COVID; AI Analysis from US Department of Defense shows vaccines lead to more severe disease for fully vaccinated elderly].
However we look at it, authorities have failed to consider the lack of safety and efficacy data involving immunocompromised patients since this group was not included in the initial vaccine trials. And yet, we see from data on COVID deaths that it is immunocompromised who needed these vaccines [see Study: Risk of death following vaccination higher than COVID-19 among the most vulnerable groups; Study shows COVID vaccines unable to protect vulnerable groups].
Why were they excluded from the vaccine trials, and then prioritized with the vaccine rollout when there is no safety data for this group of people? [see 57 leading scientists, doctors, and public policy experts call for immediate halt to COVID vaccine rollout]. Are governments knowingly putting the lives of these immunocompromised individuals at risk?
Data shows that covid jab has zero effectiveness against death for hospitalized patients due to covid [see Norway Study Finds ZERO Vaccine Effectiveness Against Death for Covid Hospital Patients]. Why then are individuals on the organ transplant list being forced to take the vaccines when it doesn’t increase their chances of survival?
Why are they being forced to take these experimental jabs when these have confirmed side effects that are severe and deadly? [See Pfizer’s Assassin Vaccine; W.H.O’s VigiAccess Shows More than Two Million Adverse Events Following COVID Vaccination; VigiAccess Data Shows COVID Vaccines More Dangerous than Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine; Vaccine-injured Speak Out: DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE; Dr. Charles Hoffe: mRNA vaccines will kill most people through heart failure, 62% already have microscopic blood clots; Guillian-Barre Syndrome after COVID vaccination more common than previously reported; EMA finds vaccine link to heart inflammation; EU Lists Transverse Myelitis as Side Effect of J&J COVID-19 Shot; Peer-reviewed research shows mRNA vaccines can cause neurodegenerative diseases; Pathologist Reports 20-fold Increase of Cancer Diagnosis Among Vaccinated Patients; UK Government Data: Vaccinated are Seeing their Immune Response Plummet by About 5% Each Week; The Pandemic of Heart Attacks Caused by Blood Clots.]
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