In this July 30, 2021 article by Michael Fumento for the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER), he discussed the encouraging COVID statistics coming from Sweden.
Fumento discussed how mainstream media has swarmed to scare Sweden into locking down but failed. He says that when Sweden started vaccinating during the first week of January 2021, cases have already peaked. He adds that the current low COVID deaths in Sweden is not entirely due to the vaccine, seeing that the country ranks 18th in Europe in vaccines per capita, which is right in the middle of the region.
Fumento adds, “Well, certainly the Swedish death rate is higher than its Nordic neighbors Norway, Denmark, and Finland. Those are the comparisons you’ll hear. But its well below the rates for larger-population European countries including Belgium, Italy, the UK, Romania, Spain, France, and Portugal. Its death rate is also much lower than that of the US.
Aside from the encouraging COVID statistics, Sweden’s economy has suffered less due to its softer preventive restrictions to COVID-19.
Fumento says that Sweden’s low death rates could already be a result of herd immunity.
Editor’s Note: In a report published by Daily Mail Online last August 3, 2021, it said that Sweden’s two-week average was at 0.6 Covid deaths per day while the US registered 74 fatalities and 329 deaths in the US during the same period.[efn_note][/efn_note]
And even as the US and UK reinstitute new masking mandates, Sweden has removed its last remaining mask mandate – those for public transport – at the beginning of July. Andrew Tegnell has also issued a caution against drawing far-reaching conclusions about the infectiousness and severity of the Delta variant.
Though the country is also aiming to vaccinate a huge part of its adult population, vaccination is only a complementary strategy for pandemic control. This is the part of Sweden’s approach we don’t agree with.
First, the vaccines do not stop infections [Dr. Robert Malone: COVID vaccines are causing the virus to become more infectious, Finland study shows vaccines, universal masking, useless against Delta variant].
Second, a great number of vaccinated are still getting infected [read 75% of new COVID cases in Singapore are vaccinated, 1,440 fully vaccinated Filipinos found positive for COVID-19, Almost 50% infected with Delta variant in Israel are fully vaccinated, and Internal CDC document urges use of new messaging to promote vaccination in the face of Delta variant outbreaks].
Third, the vaccinated die, and they die with a greater probability if they encounter the Delta variant [see Vaccines do not fully control Delta variant: Majority of COVID deaths are from vaccinated. Evidence of dangerous ADE at work and New lies revealed: Death rate from Delta variant 6x higher among fully vaccinated].
Fourth, this is not a vaccine, this is a toxic bioweapon [see Pfizer whistleblower confirms poison in COVID vaccines and Vaccines may turn out to be deadlier than COVID].
And even if there have been recent talks about the implementation of digital vaccination certificates in the country, the conversation has largely been limited among politicians, which is the case for almost all countries in the world.
If there is anything we can take away from the Swedish experience, it is this: when it comes to pandemic control, it is important to look into well-established solutions. It was a well-known fact that lockdowns, border closures, and contact tracing bore no significant impact on infection control [In fact, the World Health Organization published a briefing document on the various non-pharmaceutical interventions used during pandemics, see Will the real WHO please stand up? to discover more]. All the issues we are experiencing today, a crashing world economy, and declining mental and physical health among children and adults, are effects of illogical lockdowns.
Now that the vaccines have arrived, our circumstances have gone worse. In the Philippines, we are returning to lockdowns and border patrols – strategies which Duterte said would all be lifted once the vaccines arrive. Now, people are talking about curtailing the rights of the unvaccinated and removing their capacity to engage in society. We have discussed these issues earlier, but we were called “conspiracy theorists”. A year on, a majority of our predictions are coming true [read Faulty COVID-19 tests: Why prisoners love their jailers and never-ending lockdowns, Vaccines: Trojan Horses for Global Sterilization and Surveillance, Declining COVID-19 deaths: We need vigilance, not fear]. If we continue to passively listen to the “authorities” and not do our own research on what truly is happening to the world, then we are accomplices to one of the greatest crimes perpetrated on the world.
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