DOH Endemic Definition: Cases are Manageable and More Vaccinated Individuals

The Philippines is not yet in an endemic state, even if most areas in the country have been de-escalated to Alert Level 1. This is what DOH Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire told the Malacanang in a Press Briefing. The report on this was written by Melva C. Gayta and published by the Philippine Information Agency last March 1, 2022.

According to the report, Vergeire said, “If utilization of hospitals and medical facilities reach a critical level again, there will be a need to escalate specific areas to a higher Alert Level… When numbers are already predictable and manageable and more people are vaccinated, this can balance off the level of transmission of COVID-19, and we can say that it is endemic already.”

Vergeire added that an ‘endemic state’ does not mean that the virus is mild or no longer there.

Editor’s Note: What is the indicator the government is using to assess whether it is safe to reopen our country again? If they are relying on cases, then we are screwed [see How COVID Testing Strategy Will Extend Pandemic Scare].

Can you imagine living in New Zealand and Hongkong, that despite their high vaccination rate and their covid zero strategies, they are experiencing record-high cases? See image 1 below:

Image 1. Our World in Data New Zealand and Hong Kong as of March 7, 2022

Also, haven’t we been able to vaccinate more than 50% of our population? Haven’t our health care system be able to manage the worst of this “pandemic”? Why is the DOH still operating as if we were still in 2020 and we know nothing about COVID?

Where is the Philippines heading from here? When other countries have already scrapped covid restrictions, DOH still prefers us to be cautious, fearful, and doubtful; they want us to continue living like hostages. [see Public Seminar 25: What Is Stockholm Syndrome?; Faulty COVID-19 tests: Why prisoners love their jailers and never-ending lockdowns]. Since they program alert levels every 15 days, why not make another 15 days for ditching propagation of hysteria and let the people go on with their lives freely? Instead of employing fear, allow the people to move unrestricted but mindful of their health. [See US states lifting mandates, New Mexico[efn_note][/efn_note], Delaware[efn_note][/efn_note], Virgina[efn_note][/efn_note], Illinois[efn_note][/efn_note], New Jersey[efn_note][/efn_note], Nevada[efn_note][/efn_note], and many others.] Does this mean that finally the pandemic is over?

However, World Health Organization wants people to believe that we are not out of the woods yet, that there is still a lurking killer virus there while the DOH is just parroting this narrative. There were even “experts” who predicted that there could be more variants coming soon and most likely to infect the immunocompromised who are unvaccinated [see WHO Says the Next COVID Variant Will be More Transmissible Than Omicron, but Can’t Tell Whether it will be Lethal;;;]. One thing in common with these “experts,” though, is dialing the fear and pushing for inoculation. They all sound like skillful Big Pharma sales representatives.

The Philippines had already fallen short of their five million targets on their third vaccination drive; what does that mean? [See Government Fails to Meet 5M Goal of 3rd Mass Vaccination Drive, Says Filipinos Don’t See the Urgency in Taking Boosters; Fully vaccinated and boosted: Should you take the 4th vaccine dose if you are immunocompromised?; Salvana: Do Not Get a Second Booster, Efficacy, and Safety Not Yet Certain; COVID Boosters May Compromise Immune System Ability to Fight Virus]. Are people finally ascending from deep conformity?

Also, may we challenge the DOH to produce the data showing the vaccination status of those who tested positive, were hospitalized, and expired. Could you show us the data?

This way, we can decide how distinct the Philippines is since vaccinated individuals here seem to have superpowers. Unlike other countries where the vaccinated are fueling new infections, in the Philippines, we do not succumb to illness, not like other double and triple jabbed in other countries. [See PfizerGate Scandal: The Worldwide Cover-up of Data to Hide Covid-19 Vaccines Cause VAIDS ; Worldwide data from 185 nations prove that the highest death rates are in the most vaccinated countries; we are now in a pandemic of the vaccinated; Big Data Analysis of 145 Countries Shows Vaccine Deployment Led to Increase in COVID Deaths and Cases.] Truly, if you take the vaccines in the Philippines, you are also endowed with powers not found in other countries [see Duque Dials Fear, Says Those Who Died from COVID are Unvaccinated].

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