July 27, 2024

More Climate Scientists Chime In: Higher CO2 Levels Not A Problem

More Climate Scientists Chime In: Higher CO2 Levels Not A Problem

In this special report, Katie Spence reveals that climate science is not so “settled” after all. Several climate experts question the science behind the push to cut emissions to zero.

According to Malgosia Askanas, a senior research and development associate at Aurora Biophysics Research Institute, this initiative is “collective suicide…It started with the hysteria of the New Ice Age and a little-known CIA report in 1974 that claimed that a major climatic change was underway”.

John Christ, a climatologist and professor of atmospheric science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and the director of the Earth System Science Center calls CO2 the “currency of life”.

Editor’s Note: We add this literature to the growing number of articles on this website showing that the demonization of CO2 as the major culprit to climate change is unscientific and baseless.

This presents a challenge for globalists and their cohorts. They need to blame CO2 for our climate woes, otherwise, people will realize that these big corporations promoting electric vehicles and “renewable” energy are the actual polluters, which could lead them to lose their business.

Aside from the profit motivation, we are also seeing the reality that these climate dooms-dayers are using the environment to promote policies that transfer resources, and to establish control over previously independent communities [see Seizing Private Land, Next Step In the Climate Agenda, Climate Change Equity: A Path Towards Global Social Credit System?, The Ultimate Goal of COVID and the Climate Hysteria: Billionaires Controlling The World, Globalists are Exploiting Climate Change Fears for Global Financial Control, 15-Minute Cities: From COVID Lockdowns to Climate Lockdowns, Bill Gates Fear Mongers Again, Predicts Dour Outlook for Humanity In Light of Climate Change, Sells High-Tech Solutions Made By His Companies, UN Partners With Google To Control Climate Change Narrative, Says, “We Own The Science”].

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