Western Militaries Developed New Forms of Warfare, Wages Battle For The Brain

Western Militaries Developed New Forms of Warfare, Wages Battle For The Brain

The following article was written by Ben Norton and published by The Grayzone last October 8, 2021.

In it, Norton reports on the results of a 2020 project backed by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Cognitive Warfare Project. Cognitive warfare is defined as “an unconventional form of warfare that uses cyber tools to alter enemy cognitive processes, exploit mental biases or reflexive thinking, and provoke thought distortions, influence decision-making and hinder actions, with negative effects, both at the individual and collective levels…cognitive warfare goes beyond information to target what individual brains will do with this information. It, therefore, extends beyond the human consequences of cyber warfare involving computer engineering, robotics, and programs; a cognitive effect is not a by-product of action, but its very objective”.

Norton also looks at how governments are now discussing cognitive warfare and explores the implications of these discussions.

Editor’s Note: This article is important because it is now showing us the power of our minds to make or break propaganda. After all, why would militaries spend so many resources in developing tools to weaponize the brain, if world control could be easily achieved through money, guns, and power?

This article drove home the reality that Western militaries are utilizing digital tools to manipulate minds. It gives a new layer to the censorship regime during COVID. As it turns out, countries weren’t just preventing the spread of alternative points of view, they were also conducting a massive experiment on cognitive warfare [see Countries Weaponize “Anti-Misinformation” Laws to Silence Social Media Users Amid Pandemic of Vaccinated, UN Recruited Trolls To Push Its COVID Narrative, Google Continues To Bankroll COVID Misinformation, UK, California move to restrict what doctors can say online, Twitter blocks link to mainstream news article questioning COVID death statistics in UK, DuckDuckGo Adopts Policies of Google, Will ‘Down-Rank’ What It Decides Is ‘Disinformation’, US Federal Government Secretly Paid Media to Promote COVID Shots, YouTube expands censorship, will ban ALL anti-vaccine content].

As the COVID narrative nears its end, countries are now legitimizing censorship [see UK, US, among signatories to Declaration committing to censor “misinformation” and “harmful” speech, Canada Proposes Law To Regulate User-Generated Content, Free speech concerns following creation of DHS Disinformation Governance Board].

With this as a background, we now see the importance of this article: Google Launches Campaign To Stop “Misinformation” About Ukraine.

COVID was an experiment, but Ukraine is the ultimate test of how powerful this cognitive warfare is. Will they be able to turn the world against Russia, despite the massive evidence of corruption in Ukraine? Will they be able to rebrand Ukraine as the savior of modern civilization?

We encourage you to read both the full article attached below and the concept paper on Cognitive Warfare written by Bernard Claverie and François du Cluzel to fully understand the implications of this report.

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