New Study Shows Pfizer Efficacy in Teens Wanes in 27 Days After Dose 2


In this August 11, 2022, article published by The Defender, Suzanne Burdick reports on the results of a study from Brazil and Scotland which showed that vaccine efficacy against symptomatic “rapidly declined over time”, with the waning recorded just 27 days after the second dose of the Pfizer COVID shot [This is a different study from the one featured in the article Lancet Study Shows COVID Shots Have Low Effectiveness, Rapid Reduction In Effective Among Young Children].

The study, published by The Lancet Infectious Diseases, analyzed nationwide data from adolescents in Brazil and Scotland. The researchers insisted that protection against severe illness, defined as hospitalization or death within 28 days, remains high. Despite this, however, the researchers say that “two doses are insufficient to sustain protection against symptomatic disease” and that research should be done on the need for booster doses.

Editor’s Note: If the Lancet is saying that research on the need for boosters among adolescents is needed, then what was the Philippine government’s basis for approving booster doses for minors? [Read DOH Approves COVID Boosters For Minors. Also, see Pfizer wants children aged 5 to 11 to take boosters].

When the research said that the COVID shots continued to have high efficacy against severe illness, they forgot to mention that adolescents and young people actually had a low risk for severe illness, thanks to their strong immunity [see Updated IFR for COVID Confirms 99.9987% Survival for Under-20’s, CDC updates planning scenarios, shows IFR lower than flu, Severe COVID ‘Rare’ in People Who Didn’t Get Vaccine, Survey Reveals].

They also forgot to say that natural immunity offers longer-term protection compared to the experimental shots [see Study Confirms Natural Immunity Offers Superior Protection Against Reinfection, Severe Disease Compared To COVID Vaccines, NEJM Study Shows Vaccines Offers No Significant Advantage Compared To Natural Immunity].

These shots do not just have waning protection, they are also increasing the risk of getting infected [see Finally on mainstream media: COVID shots impair long-term immunity, Study: Vaccination Increases Risk of COVID-19 Infection, Study From Iceland Shows COVID Reinfection Rises With Number of Vaccine Doses].

Most importantly, these shots are also harming children [see Study: Teens with vaccine-induced myocarditis experienced persistent heart abnormalities, JAMA study shows 133x risk of myocarditis following COVID vaccination, Journal article confirms younger males at higher risk of myocarditis following COVID vaccination, VAERS cases, “just the tip of the iceberg”, One in Three Vaccinated Teenagers Suffer Cardiovascular Side-Effects, One in 43 Suffer Heart Inflammation].

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