Expert Thinks COVID Shots Should be Included In Philippines’ Routine Immunization Program

In this July 5, 2022 article for Manila Bulletin, Dr. Edsel Salvana recommended the inclusion of COVID shots in the regular immunization program.
He said that this should be done “since COVID-19 most likely will not disappear and become endemic…this is to continue protection it provides to the public”. Salvana added that it is important to include the COVID shots in the “needed vaccines since it continues to protect against severe disease and decreases the risk of severe disease and dying by over 90%”.
Editor’s Note: If the COVID shot was given to young children whose chance of dying from COVID is already astronomically low, will it ensure that these children will become superhumans against COVID? [See CDC updates planning scenarios, shows IFR lower than flu, CDC updates planning scenarios, shows IFR lower than flu].
We ask because, without the shots, the survival rate of people who contract COVID and are aged under 20 is already at 99.987%. How does the COVID shot, which according to Salvana has 90% effectiveness against severe disease, contribute to improving this already high survival rate?
Now we know that Salvana is grasping at straws here. Science has already shown us that the “effectiveness” of these shots continues to decline [see COVID Vaccines Efficacy Wanes Thus Public is Encouraged to Get Booster Shots. Also read Israel Contemplates Fifth Vaccine].
In fact, the data shows that these vaccines are even more ineffective among children [see Lancet Study Shows COVID Shots Have Low Effectiveness, Rapid Reduction In Effective Among Young Children].
Moreover, more advanced countries have already decided against rolling out the shots to younger children, saying that children have no need for it and that natural immunity offers better long-term protection [see Sweden will not recommend COVID vaccines for kids aged 5 to 11 years, Finland will not recommend COVID injections for healthy children aged 5 to 11 years, Norway Believes Natural Immunity is Better Protection for Children Five to 11 Years, Florida breaks with CDC: No COVID vaccine for healthy children, Taiwan halts second dose of Pfizer COVID vaccine for children aged 12-17 years, No Need for Vaccines: Children’s Immune Systems Primed and Ready for SARS-CoV-2. Also read Study shows sanitation, nutrition better than vaccines at protecting children from disease].
Now the question is: Why would Salvana, who is a well-educated infectious disease specialist recommend adding experimental COVID shots to routine immunization? Does he not know what we know about its dangers and ineffectiveness? Or is he feigning ignorance? [Also read What does it mean to put COVID shots into the routine immunization program?].
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