Why Can’t COVID Vaccines Create Herd Immunity?

Despite how governments packaged these vaccines in the early phase of the rollout, the reality is that COVID Jabs were never meant to create herd immunity. This is evidenced by these documents from 2020.
- COVID-19 Vaccine Trials Will Not Tell Us if it can Prevent Moderate or Severe Cases
- Fauci: Early COVID-19 vaccines will only prevent symptoms, not block infection
The concept of herd immunity is grossly misunderstood. Real herd immunity can only result from a healthy, fully functioning immune system.
- https://deeprootsathome.com/a-truly-healthy-herd-is-the-complete-antithesis-of-a-drug-dependent-herd/
- The Science is Clear: Our Immune System Can Confer Natural Immunity Against COVID and its Variants
- Geert Vanden Boosche: Natural immunity, not vaccines, will create herd immunity
Real-world evidence shows that vaccines do not create herd immunity. They cannot block infection, nor can they stop transmission.
- New York Times: Herd immunity will not be achieved with vaccines
- Iceland epidemiologist says herd immunity cannot be achieved by vaccines
- Iceland and Denmark: No herd immunity from vaccines
- Countries with the highest vaccination rates also facing surge in COVID cases and deaths
- Worldwide data from 185 nations prove that the highest death rates are in the most vaccinated countries; we are now in a pandemic of the vaccinated
- Big Data Analysis of 145 Countries Shows Vaccine Deployment Led to Increase in COVID Deaths and Cases
In fact, evidence suggests that it is vaccinated who are more prone to getting infected with COVID, not the unvaccinated.
Why are the vaccinated more prone to COVID infection? The answer is simple: antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and the reality that COVID “vaccines” impair the immune system. We have discussed ADE extensively in the article FIRST FAQ1. These links below offer proof of the declining immune function among the vaccinated.
- Covid-Injection Lowers Natural Immunity by five- to six-fold
- Research suggests Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine reprograms innate immune responses
- UK Government Data: Vaccinated are Seeing their Immune Response Plummet by About 5% Each Week
- New York Times: Some recipients of experimental COVID vaccines developing rare autoimmune disease after jab
- Research Shows Moderna Shots Lead to Autoimmune Hepatitis
How exactly does true herd immunity work? How can it protect our societies from total collapse? We encourage you to read these two proposals from 2020, created by two different organizations.
- A Briefing Document
- The Great Barrington Declaration: Life must return to normal for the healthy, the vulnerable must be protected
Note the similarity of these proposals and how they both underscored the need to develop natural immunity (herd immunity) among the healthy members of the society. If governments were truly dedicated to ending the crisis and enabling us to go back to living our lives, then they must stop their delusion that they can control the virus. The direction now is endemicity.