January 26, 2025

Senate President Vicente Sotto Denounces Discrimination Against the Vaccine-Free

Senate President Vicente Sotto Denounces Discrimination Against the Vaccine-Free

In this video shared on Facebook by My Inner Voice, Philippine Senate President Vicente Sotto III has aired his concern about the discrimination against vaccine-free citizens.

The following are Senator Sotto’s arguments:

Sen. Sotto also highlighted the power of natural immunity by relating his family’s experience. He said that his neutralizing antibodies after 2-doses of Sinovac and Pfizer booster shot is only 549, his wife is only 59, and his eldest offspring, a covid survivor, and also vaccine-free has 7,000 neutralizing antibodies [See Covid-Injection Lowers Natural Immunity by five- to six-fold]

Editor’s Note: This call from Senator Vicente Sotto implies one thing, senators taking notice is only a reflection of the fact that the noise from the anti-vaccination movement is strong.

Sen. Sotto made distinguished points, and he was correct to mention that unvaccinated ones have a more robust immune system than the vaccinated. His laboratory results are similar to what the science reveals [see Hundreds of Researches Confirm Natural Immunity is Complete and Longer-lasting, More Powerful than COVID Vaccines].

Coincidentally, Senator Sotto was invited by CDCPh to appear in their zoom huddle on January 16, 2022. He guaranteed he would find the impeccable timing during the Senate sessions next week to speak and present all the issues raised to him during the huddle. Here are some points raised during the discussion in the zoom huddle:

  • Unvaccinated are being discriminated.
  • You can not claim a vaccine is safe under emergency use authorization.
  • Vaccine injuries were presented, especially the increasing cases of myocarditis.
  • Why isn’t natural immunity not being recognized?
  • Target to inoculate is 70% adult population; it could have already been obtained.
  • Injecting people who have natural immunity is an anomaly.
  • Incidental covid among hospitalization .
  • Vaccination should have proper informed consent, not coerced and forced.
  • Most covid cases in Mandaluyong City are vaccinated, yet now unvaccinated are being segregated and asserted to be transmitting the virus.
  • Sally Clark presented her analysis of the PSA data and indicated that depopulation already started in September 2021.
  • Vaccine batch here in the Philippines could be not suitable for Filipino people, the benefits of having adequate clinical trials.
  • DOH neglected the serious adverse events recorded by FDA.
  • Covid vaccine injury and fatalities were raised.

Here are Senator Sotto’s commitments:

  • To present the cases to the senate in the coming week, latest on Monday, January 25.
  • He said he doubts if the no vax, no ride will succeed, but he will see how it would go on January 17 since there was no guidelines how the public transport will go with it.
  • To encourage prevention and early treatment.
  • To request CDCPh leadership to be present once he presents to the committee of the whole.

See the entire zoom huddle here CDC Ph Weekly Huddle Jan 15, 2022 (rumble.com).

This shows that the CCH and PRACT advocacy has rippled, and we are no longer alone in fighting to end mandatory vaccination. There are already several groups winning minor victories and fighting for what is right. [See CCH LAUNCHES ITS COVID HERO AGAINST COVID TYRANNY SERIES; General Santos City Repeals Resolution Requiring Vaccination To Access Private and Public Services; CHR Chief for Region 6 Says Vaccination of Workers Must Remain Voluntary.]

We already have Senator Manny Pacquiao, Senator Koko Pimentel, Atty, Persida Acosta, The Commission on Human Right (CHR) and now Senate President Vicente Sotto, who are already championing the constitution. We should be keen on the follow-up of these actions and let’s hope these people will walk their talk for real this time.

Let’s not lose hope! We live the truth; we are winning!

Watch the Video

  1. https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/11/12/who-chief-tedros-confirms-covid-vaccine-useless-and-should-not-be-given-to-kids/

4 thoughts on “Senate President Vicente Sotto Denounces Discrimination Against the Vaccine-Free

  1. good day,

    looking forward to Senator Sotto’s presentation on January 25 (tuesday).
    i hope it will be covered by mainstream media. i’m not losing hope. John 14:6
    and keeping the faith, that the unvaxxed will be protected as well.
    God bless us all, vaxxed and unvaxxed:)

    1. We think it will be covered by mainstream media, he is afterall, the Senate president. The only question is, how they will frame his presentation.

  2. hi, just wondering what happened to the supposedly Senator Sotto’s presentation yesterday. do you have an update?

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