February 10, 2025

DIVIDE & RULE — The Plan of The 1% to Make You DISPOSABLE

DIVIDE & RULE — The Plan of The 1% to Make You DISPOSABLE

Vandana Shiva, an Indian scholar, environmental activist, physicist, food sovereignty advocate, and anti-globalization author. She initiated After School which made the video attached below. In it, we learn about the “divide and rule” scheme which is being implemented by the 1%, the world’s wealthiest people who aim to own humanity and the Earth. The video below was first published on Youtube last March 17, 2021.

The video features illustrations which simplify what is happening today. It stressed that some people are manipulating the human mind. People are inattentive to facts hidden in plain sight, and we take it as mere advancement in technology. We neglect to see that we are being programmed to follow some rules and ignore the true essence of living. For the first time in human history, technology are controlled by billionaires. They gave us illusions and created software platforms to manipulate us. What they do is mind harvesting through technology.

Shiva said: “If we don’t activate our sense of interconnectedness with all life with all people, we are going to see 99% people as disposable, especially with the technology working on artificial intelligence to make sure all the mechanical work is made redundant… And suppose we don’t defend the freedoms of all species and the freedoms of all human beings; in that case, we could see within 20–30 years a level of disposability built into the structures that humanity will not be able to respond to. So this is the time to make oneness and interconnectedness as one humanity on one planet. The political project of hard times we have to remember we are one humanity we are part of one Earth. Whatever we do, we will not let this essential recognition divide us either from the Earth or from each other and together we are strong.”

Editor’s Note: This video is timely and conveys the truth about what’s happening in our world today. It is said that we ultimately see the world by what we expect to see. We act according to stimuli. And with all the distractions in daily life, existence in this present time unfolds in an eat-sleep-poop routine.

How we live is just reacting to impulses of survival. We forgot we are interconnected with every living and non-living thing. We merely exist and do not truly live. Earning a living becomes our priority that we forgot to breathe, smell the flowers, and enjoy the rain.

We think we are genuinely growing because technology governs us – from the time we wake until we close our eyes to sleep. Social media replaced true communities, and we feel “accepted” when friends like posts or when people “follow” us. We became pathetic and shallow. We didn’t realize ego had taken over, and we thought that was truly “us”.

This video elicits the following insights in relation to the massive loss of freedom we are experiencing in the world today:

We didn’t realize that 99% of us, of the human race, have been fooled by the 1%. We are prisoners of these people, or so they thought.

The reason for all the Draconian measures is dehumanization. Will we allow these psychopaths to rule the Earth? Will we allow them to use the covid injections to take the lives of innocent people? [Read Covid Vaccines are Bioweapons for Mass Genocide]. Can you imagine yourself being mechanical because you no longer own willpower? Maybe it’s a favorable time to stop the disconnection among humans. Religion, politics, educational attainment, organizations, societal hierarchy, skin color have divided us, should we add vaccination status to this list?

We might be oblivious to it, but these orchestrators want to divide humans to rule over us. They may control our societal institutions, but why should we give them the absolute power to control humanity, when we know we have the power to resist them? [Also See END THE LOCKDOWNS! Stop It Outside By Ending the Lockdowns Inside Us].

Watch the Video Below

  1. https://thenationalpulse.com/exclusive/bgi-genomics-gates-foundation-collab/,https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biodata-dna-china-collection-60-minutes-2021-01-31/, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-genomics-military-exclusive/exclusive-china-gene-firm-providing-worldwide-covid-tests-worked-with-chinese-military-idUSKBN29Z0HA, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-china-bgi-dna/special-report-chinas-gene-giant-harvests-data-from-millions-of-women-idUSKCN2ED1A6

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