UK to drop plans for vaccine passports

In an article published by the BBC last September 13, 2021, Marie Jackson reports that the UK government plans to abandon the plan to introduce vaccine passports for accessing nightclubs and large events.

In an interview, UK health secretary Sajid Javid, “We just shouldn’t be doing things for the sake of it or because others are doing, and we should look at every possible intervention properly…We’ve looked at it properly and, whilst we should keep it in reserve as a potential option, I’m pleased to say that we will not be going ahead with plans for vaccine passports.”

The vaccine passport has met widespread resistance among regular citizens, business owners, and members of the parliament.

Editor’s Note: Did the UK government abandon the vaccine passport plan because they were afraid of its backlash? This seems to be the case as the government has been on the record insisting on this policy.1 Take note that as early as April, several members of the parliament (MPs) have already expressed opposition to the plan.2 With the latest news showing that vaccines do not stop infection and transmission, more would have realized that implementing vaccine passes would not stop the spread of the virus.

As has been observed by journalist Alex Berenson3, the British are abandoning the vaccine passport plan not because they think that the vaccines work, but because the evidence is showing that they don’t. Berenson says, “…this is not because Britain – where 80% of people over 16 are fully vaccinated – has controlled Covid. The opposite, in fact. Other data show that only about 25% of deaths in Britain are among the unvaccinated – and that vaccinated people over 40 are actually MORE likely to get Covid than the unvaccinated”.

Here are a few more references showing that the vaccinated are more prone to COVID complications and deaths, read 60% of those older than 50 who die from COVID are double vaxxed, Countries with the highest vaccination rates also facing surge in COVID cases and deaths, Study confirms possibility that vaccine recipients will face ADE injuries and deaths, COVID Vaccines Do Not Prevent Transmission, Will Lead to a Variant Killing 35% of People it Infects, Majority of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Israel are fully vaccinated. This risk is compounded by the reality that these vaccines can lead to other health issues [read Vaxxed adolescents six times more likely to suffer heart problems than from COVID-19, Long-term dangers of experimental mRNA shots, Dr. Charles Hoffe: mRNA vaccines will kill most people through heart failure, 62% already have microscopic blood clots, Peer-reviewed research shows mRNA vaccines can cause neurodegenerative diseases, The evidence is in: Vaccines have failed, more dangerous than the virus, COVID vaccines are bioweapons. Here are the many ways they can injure you., Covid Vaccines are Bioweapons for Mass Genocide].

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