In this August 27, 2021, The Manila Times reports on the recent statements made by Chief Scientist of the World Health Organization (WHO) Soumya Swaminathan [Swaminathan is the subject of a legal action in India, see Indian Bar Association Sues WHO for spreading disinformation about Ivermectin and causing the death of Indian citizens].
In an interview with a local news portal, The Wire, Swaminathan said, “We may be entering some kind of stage of endemicity where there is a low-level transmission or moderate level transmission going on but we are not seeing the kinds of exponential growth and peaks that we saw a few months ago”.
Swaminathan adds that while it is possible for children to get infected in what she calls a “third wave”, it is very unlikely that they will fall seriously ill. She said that there is no need to panic when this happens, but that it is still best to be prepared for more infections in children.
Editor’s Note: Based on current data from Our World In Data, 99% of COVID cases in India are now of the Delta variant.[efn_note][/efn_note] Despite this, however, India’s case fatality rate (CFR) as of August 29, 2021 is still one of the lowest in Asia at 1.34%. This CFR is even lower than highly vaccinated countries like the US and UK. Some people might be tempted to say that the current state of India is due to the vaccines, but the reality is that vaccination in India is very low, with only 10% of the adult population fully vaccinated and 25% partially vaccinated.
If Delta was truly deadly, why is India’s CFR still low? If vaccination is the key to suppressing Delta, then why are Delta cases very high in India? And if Delta was truly a cause of concern, why is Swaminathan saying that COVID is now endemic and that infection in children should not be a cause of panic? [Covid endemicity is an important concept. To learn more read New study shows the path towards endemic COVID, SARS-CoV-2 will probably become endemic, Scientists: No way of stopping the virus, end mass testing]. Why are other countries panicking due to the Delta variant?
India’s situation is proving that the Delta variant is just another propaganda to increase vaccine uptake [see HART: Good news being ignored by mainstream media, COVID is becoming milder, Delta and Other Variants: Fear Appeal for Permanent Lockdowns, Killer Vaccines. Strengthening Natural Immunity the Way Out., Mainstream media spinning news about Delta cases to sell vaccines to unvaccinated, Delta not causing increase in COVID hospitalizations, Scientist confirms Delta variant more transmissible, but not more deadly].
And if you think that it is best to “overreact” by taking the vaccines, then think again. There is evidence showing that taking the vaccines will make one susceptible to disease [read Document from Public Health England shows Delta less deadly than original strain, vaccinated more vulnerable to Delta variant, Study confirms possibility that vaccine recipients will face ADE injuries and deaths, Vaccines do not fully control Delta variant: Majority of COVID deaths are from vaccinated. Evidence of dangerous ADE at work].
By taking the vaccine, you are actually worsening the problem [read Research shows fully vaccinated individuals infected with COVID have become presymptomatic superspreaders, Dr. Robert Malone: COVID vaccines are causing the virus to become more infectious, Pro-Vaccine expert warns: Stop mass vaccinations, Pro-vaccine expert on”immune escape”, mass vaccination, and the creation of “uncontrollable monster” viruses, France’s long-time vaccine policy chief: covid policy is “completely stupid” and “unethical”, Nobel Prize Winner: Covid vaccine is creating variants that can escape vaccine-induced immunity].
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