Scientists: No way of stopping the virus, end mass testing

In this August 10, 2021 article for The Telegraph, Sarah Knapton cites the new call put out by a panel of experts to stop mass testing in Britain. According to scientists which includes Prof. Andrew Pollard, the head of the Oxford vaccine team, it has become clear that the Delta variant can infect people who have been vaccinated, making herd immunity impossible [this was also expressed in another article, read SAGE adviser: Lockdowns can no longer be justified].
According to scientists, “it was time to accept that there was no way of stopping the virus spreading through the entire population, and monitoring people with mild symptoms was no longer helpful”.
Paul Hunter, a professor in medicine at the University of East Anglia and an advisor to the World Health Organization said that it was time to change the way data was collected as the virus has become endemic. He said, “We need to start moving away from just reporting infections, or just reporting positive cases admitted to hospital, to actually start reporting the number of people who are ill because of Covid…Otherwise, we are going to be frightening ourselves with very high numbers that actually don’t translate into disease burden.” [We knew about this for a long time, see Asymptomatic people do not spread COVID-19, GUIDEBOOK TO END LOCKDOWNS NOW: An Executive Summary by Nicanor Perlas, Faulty COVID-19 tests: Why prisoners love their jailers and never-ending lockdowns].
Sir Andrew Pollard supports this move. He said, “I think as we look at the adult population going forward, if we continue to chase community testing and are worried about those results, we’re going to end up in a situation where we’re constantly boosting to try and deal with something which is not manageable…It needs to be moving to clinically driven testing in which people are willing to get tested and treated and managed, rather than lots of community testing. If someone is unwell they should be tested, but for their contacts, if they’re not unwell then it makes sense for them to be in school and being educated.” [Also read W.H.O no evidence to support widespread asymptomatic testing].
Dr. Ruchi Sinha, a consultant pediatrician at Imperial College Healthcare says that choosing not to vaccinate children are unlikely to cause problems for the health care system.
Editor’s Note: It still continues to baffle us why it took this long for public health experts to see what we saw early on at the beginning of this “pandemic”. Could it be that the vaccines, though ineffective at managing COVID, have allowed people to stop panicking so that they can actually look at the data that has been there all along? We hope that this change in the UK will begin to be covered by other mainstream news companies and that it will start to trickle in countries like the Philippines where this kind of information would have a huge impact on our pandemic response.
We hope that this new development would put a stop to the Zero Covid Cult, lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations, and the illogical use of vaccine passports.
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