In this August 21, 2021 article, The Daily Expose looked at the data from various health agencies in the UK and found that more people have died from COVID vaccines compared to those who died due to COVID.
For example, according to the National Health of Scotland, from March 2020 to July 31, 2021, 704 have allegedly died due to COVID who had no other pre-existing conditions. Meanwhile, data from the Public Health Scotland shows that between December 8, 2020, and June 11, 2021, a total of 5,522 people died within 28 days of having a COVID injection, with 3,643 deaths following an AstraZeneca jab, 1,827 after a Pfizer jab, and 2 deaths following a Moderna jab.
This puts deaths following vaccination at eight (8) times more likely than COVID infection in Scotland.
This data does not yet include the hundreds of thousands of adverse reactions recorded after vaccination. The Yellow Card reporting system has recorded more than 290,000 adverse reactions after the Pfizer shot, more than 810,000 after an AstraZeneca shot, and more than 40,000 side effects after a Moderna shot.
Editor’s Note: This is probably one of the very few resources where we will see the COVID jabs causing more deaths compared to illness. Everywhere else, governments are trying to cover up the dangers of the vaccine [we think it is either due to the one-sided contracts signed by our governments, see Leaked Pfizer contracts show they knew of adverse effects and lack of long-term efficacy of vaccines. Or it could be because some of our leaders have something to gain from selling the vaccines. Also, read FDA Report Reveals Vaccines May Have Killed 635 And Seriously Harmed 1,718 Filipinos].
The evidence showing that these vaccines are dangerous continues to pile up. Whistleblowers are saying that the “vaccines” contain dangerous toxins and substances [see COVID vaccine researcher admits says spike protein is a dangerous toxin, Pfizer whistleblower confirms poison in COVID vaccines].
Meanwhile, more evidence showing that these vaccines are in fact bioweapons, are starting to surface [read Covid Call to Humanity new video goes viral, partly banned by YouTube, CCH1333 Decon-2 17 August 2021. Bishops Commit Mortal Sin. DOH Super Liars. Both Killing Filipinos with Killer Bioweapons (aka Vaccines)., COVID vaccines are bioweapons. Here are the many ways they can injure you., Peer-reviewed research shows mRNA vaccines can cause neurodegenerative diseases].
More and more experts are also saying that these vaccines are unnecessary and useless [see France’s long-time vaccine policy chief: covid policy is “completely stupid” and “unethical”, Dr. Peter McCullough: Successful early treatment for COVID makes vaccines unnecessary, Doctors around the world say vaccine passports unnecessary, ineffective, and unsafe].
If governments wanted to stop this “bioterrorism that uses vaccination”, they could have done so a year ago. Their continued refusal to monitor and publish the true information on deaths due to the vaccines is showing us that they have other priorities in mind [read Vaccines: Trojan Horses for Global Sterilization and Surveillance and Alternative views concerning the COVID-19 vaccine].
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