Month: June 2020
Why Censorship is Backfiring on Big Tech
Censorship is a major concern because limited information reduces the understanding of an issue because the picture is incomplete. In this article for Vision Launch, Marc Zorn looks at the many impacts of censorship and why it is dangerous, especially when it is implemented during a time of crisis. Zorn says that censorship prevents people from…
COVID-19 highlights the need for clean water
Even before COVID-19 struck, the United Nations already warned against the decreasing supply for clean water. At least 2 billion people around the world are forced to drink contaminated which has led to diseases and deaths. In this article for the National Observer published last April 22, 2020, author Maude Barlow says that supply of clean water…
Factory farms are breeding grounds for pandemics
The following article from The Guardian shows us that our individual choices have an impact on health and the overall wellbeing of nations. Authors Jonathan Safran Foer and Aaron Gross reveal to us that the emergence of COVID-19 is not unique, and that it is likely to happen again. Foer and Gross tells the story of the…
The coronavirus has mutated: Here’s why you shouldn’t panic
In this article for The Atlantic, author Ed Yong collates statements from several experts to help us make sense of the reported mutations in SARS-COV-2. He also explores the impact of the April research released by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory claiming the emergence of a more transmissible form of the new coronavirus. Several experts think…
The coronavirus in perspective: How likely are you of dying once infected?
In this May 7, 2020 article for BBC, Nick Triggle offers an objective assessment of an individual’s risk of dying once infected with the coronavirus. Triggle says that the constant stream of coronavirus reports highlighting the lack of protective equipment in medical facilities, increase in case incidence, and deaths has led to widespread anxiety. Even younger…
One-third of all US coronavirus deaths are nursing home residents or workers
In this May 11, 2020 article in the New York Times, authors Karen Yourish, K.K. Rebecca Lai, Danielle Ivory, and Mitch Smith study the case rate and case fatality in nursing homes. Utilizing data from different states, the authors discovered that 11% of all cases in the US come from long term care facilities, and more…
Biologist proves that measles is not a virus
There is no scientific study that can prove the existence of the measles virus. This was the decision of the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) after experts scrutinized the results of six independent publications. According to the ruling, virologists have misinterpreted the cells believed to have constituted the measles virus. The error came because no…
95% of deaths in UK have pre-existing condition
Latest figures released by the NHS England shows that an overwhelming majority – 95% – of all COVID deaths in England and Wales had serious co-morbidities. The new figures were published last June 4, 2020. Editor’s Note: This finding is no longer surprising as a similar result was reported by Italy in March [see 99% of coronavirus deaths…
April study shows the coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different strains
In this article for New York Post, Christopher Carbone looks at the result of a Chinese study showing that the novel coronavirus has undergone at least 30 genetic variations. The study was carried out by professor Li Lanjuan and colleagues from the Zhejiang University found some aggressive strains that were able to generate 270 times the…
Facebook continues crack down on links to alternative platforms
When the Plandemic video was taken down by YouTube, individuals saved, reuploaded, and re-shared the video through Facebook. But Facebook learned its lesson and began blocking alternative platforms which hosted the video. When altCensored cataloged the Plandemic documentary, Facebook blocked the preview images to the site which then led to the abrupt drop in traffic.…