July 27, 2024

New Study Shows Facemask Use Increases Risk for COVID

New Study Shows Facemask Use Increases Risk for COVID

In this new article accepted for publication by the Epidemiology and Infection Journal, researchers from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo Metropolitan University, and the University of Bergen found that people who constantly wear masks were at higher risk of getting COVID compared to those who don’t wear masks at all.

Editor’s Note: Show this article to your friends and relatives who insist on wearing face masks for “protection” to help them overcome the hysteria. Tell them that it is still best to breathe fresh air. It is time to leave the face diaper behind. [See Mask Study Published by NIH Suggests N95 Exposes Wearers to Toxic Compounds Linked to Seizures and Cancer, Study: Immunocompromised People Should Avoid Repeated Masking, Study finds carbon dioxide levels rises beyond acceptable safety levels in masked children, Plastics Used in Face Masks Found in Patients’ Lungs, Study shows 90% of particles can pass through cloth masks making them useless for preventing COVID transmission, Meta-study shows that masks are dangerous. Also read Masks and Lockdowns: A Test Case For A New Social System].

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