Mask Coercion To Become Permanent in Germany

In this June 18, 2022 article for Breitbart, Kurt Zindulka reports on the proposal of several lawmakers in Germany to institute mask mandates every year during the winter months.

Before making the final decision on the proposed mask mandates, politicians are waiting on the results of a multidisciplinary report assessing the impact of lockdown measures imposed by states.

Editor’s Note: We wonder: what is the basis for mandating masking?

The science on the ineffectiveness has been settled for a long time now [see Study shows 90% of particles can pass through cloth masks making them useless for preventing COVID transmission, Danish mask study now published: Masks do not reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection, Finland study shows vaccines, universal masking, useless against Delta variant, What does the WHO say about masking?, Will the real WHO please stand up?].

There are also some evidence showing the dangers of masking [see Plastics Used in Face Masks Found in Patients’ Lungs, Meta-study shows that masks are dangerous, German Neurologist: Oxygen deprivation due to face masks cause permanent neurological damage].

Moreover, there is no proof showing that areas that mandated masking fared better than those with voluntary masking [see Mask-free, lockdown-free Sweden is close to ZERO daily COVID deaths, No surge in Texas despite lifting of mask mandates, US data show masks make no impact on COVID spread, The surgical mask is a bad fit for risk reduction].

So why is Germany insisting on masking when there is nothing that supports its use by the general population? The only answer we have on our mind is this: they are using masks to condition people into accepting slavery [see Compulsory masking is an assault on humanity].

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