October 26, 2024

2021 Excess Deaths in the Philippines Shows Pandemic, but it is Not COVID

2021 Excess Deaths in the Philippines Shows Pandemic, but it is Not COVID

What is happening in the Philippines in the 21 months of the so-called “COVID Pandemic”?

As of January 4, 2022, the Philippines has logged a total of 2,861,119 coronavirus cases and 2,779,706 recoveries. That brings the survival rate to 97.15%. That’s a case fatality rate (CFR) of 2.8%. That may seem high, but as you can see in the next sections of this article, there is reason to believe that COVID deaths are overreported and that the real deaths DUE TO COVID are so much lower.


Table 1 below is aggregated data released by the Philippine Statistics Agency (PSA) indicating the causes of death in the Philippines for the periods January to September 2020 and January to September 2021.

Take note of the two items for COVID-19 related deaths, one is “virus identified” which means that COVID was confirmed by an RT-PCR test. The other is the COVID-19 “virus not identified” which means that COVID was only assumed as the RT-PCR test came back negative or no test was conducted [To understand the issue with this reporting protocol, see PSA data on deaths shows government either manipulating us or covering up their mistake]. See the highlighted data from PSA below:

TABLE 1: CAUSES OF DEATH IN THE PHILIPPINES, JANUARY TO SEPTEMBER 2020 VS. JANUARY TO SEPTEMBER 2021 [https://psa.gov.ph/content/birth-marriage-and-death-statistics-2021-preliminary-29-november-2021]

The figures here are not the same as the figures released by the Department of Health (DOH) due to the unique classification implemented by the PSA.


Objectively, let us dissect the data from PSA and what the reports convey about deaths in the Philippines. The Philippines 10-year average for January to October 2011 to 2020 is at 468,042.2 deaths.

As of January to October 2021, deaths are already at 685,699. 2021 deaths have not only overtaken deaths in the same period for previous years by a mile, but it has also overtaken the 10-year average by as much as 46.5%! (See image 1 below).

Is COVID to blame for these excess deaths? Based on Table 1 above, COVID “virus identified” is only the fourth highest cause of deaths while COVID virus not identified is only in the top 8. Even with all the manipulation done by hospitals and governments in recording COVID deaths, COVID still didn’t end up as the most deadly disease [We will expound on this issue of death manipulation in a future article when the final death data for 2021 has been released by the PSA]. In fact, reports say that only 10% of the total deaths for January to September 2021 was due to COVID.1See https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1530069/covid-19-caused-10-3-of-ph-deaths-as-of-end-sept

If COVID is not the reason for the 46.5% excess deaths, what is it then?

IMAGE 1: Deaths in the Philippines, January to October 2011 to 2021

To show you just how problematic 2021 is, we have created Table 2 below. In the table, you will see that we derived the annual change of the January to October period from 2011 to 2021. We report the change in deaths from 2011 to 2012, as the year 2012, and 2012 to 2013 change is reported as 2013, and so forth.

From this table, it is clear that excess deaths in the Philippines were highest in 2019. Was there a pandemic that raged in the Philippines from 2018 to 2019? Why are the excess deaths during this period higher than when the “deadly” COVID was already rampaging in our country?

Some people might claim that the lockdowns of 2020 have prevented deaths. Now let’s assume that there was no pandemic, and excess deaths in the Philippines were at 5.1% (the highest rate in the 10 years we are investigating).

If life was normal in 2020, and excess deaths were at 5.1% then total deaths from January to October 2020 would have been 542,069. Now if we compare that to the actual January to October 2021 deaths, excess deaths for this 2021 period still increased by 26.5%! Compared to the actual 9-year average of 2.4% of excess deaths, the 2021 data is still highly anomalous.

YearYears comparedAnnual change
20122011 to 20124.3%
20132012 to 20133.4%
20142013 to 20140.9%
20152014 to 20154.4%
20162015 to 20163.8%
20172016 to 2017(0.87%)
20182017 to 20182%
20192018 to 20195.1%
20202019 to 2020(1.4%)
20212020 to 202134.81%
9-year average2011 to 20202.4%
TABLE 2: Annual Rate of Excess Deaths, 2011 to 2021

This data on excess deaths is exactly the reason why in 2020, Nicanor Perlas, as well as other internationally known doctors, declared that there was no pandemic. There was no disease that was indiscriminately killing people [Was There Really an Epidemic?, Doctors: No global pandemic, COVID-19 vaccines not safe].

The government should not have locked down and closed schools. The government’s continued intrusion into our private lives cannot be attributed to the existence of a deadly virus.

Now given the huge increase in excess deaths in 2021, we must ask, what was it that caused this change? Well, according to some governments, there was Delta, which according to the mainstream narrative was “more contagious and deadly” than the original COVID strain. But as science has shown us, Delta was not as deadly as these manipulators have hoped [see Scientist confirms Delta variant more transmissible, but not more deadly, Delta not causing increase in COVID hospitalizations, Delta variant being used to sell COVID vaccines but no proof the variant is deadly]. What was it then?

Another major change in 2021 was the introduction of experimental vaccines, which, as science has proven has been very dangerous [see Autopsies show irrefutable evidence of deaths due to COVID vaccine, Recent VAERS Data Shows COVID Vaccines Harm Children, Dr. Vernon Coleman: mRNA Jabs are Causing Cardiac Disorders Resulting to Sudden Deaths and Serious Injuries, mRNA Inventor: Toxic Spike Proteins from COVID Jabs Often Cause Permanent Damage in Kids. See more stories at Vaccines].

Could the vaccines have caused these deaths?

Now, we must be clear. The data we are seeing here is not proof that vaccines have killed all these people. But this is proof that COVID is not the biggest health issue that the Philippines is currently experiencing.

If there is a signal showing that there is an anomalous increase in deaths in the country, shouldn’t the government already be launching an investigation on this considering we have been under various restrictions precisely to prevent deaths? There is a hidden “pandemic” that is killing people, and the government should strive to know what it is.

Table 3 below shows deaths in the Philippines by month. Take note that the experimental COVID vaccines were introduced in the country in March. See how deaths are increasing in the months following? (October report is not yet complete, we will see how this all turns out when the PSA has released the final report for 2021 in February.)

TABLE 3: Deaths in the Philippines, Preliminary 2021, by Month, data from Philippine Statistics Authority

Now, we must reiterate, as regular citizens of the Philippines, it is not our responsibility to prove that these vaccines are harmful. It is the government’s responsibility to prove that these vaccines are safe. As the government has chosen to roll out an experimental vaccine with no long-term safety data to the general population, it is their responsibility to ensure that these vaccines are not causing these deaths.

The mantra that these “vaccines are safe and effective” is not enough. Saying that a vaccinated person with comorbidity died not because of the effects of the vaccine, but because of their comorbidity without conducting the appropriate autopsy and other tests, is not enough.

The government MUST show us the empirical evidence of their claims. It is our right as citizens to demand it. And if the government cannot show us the basis of their policies, it is our right as free citizens of this country to condemn the government and to reject and to not conform to their illegal, illogical, and unscientific policies.

That the government cannot arbitrarily suspend our rights is the essence of the 1987 Constitution. The Constitution has been written to protect our rights. Now it is our turn to uphold its provisions.

Co-author ADMIN

15 thoughts on “2021 Excess Deaths in the Philippines Shows Pandemic, but it is Not COVID

  1. Edited Comments: ( please forgive my previous cut and paste and grammar Errors)
    This video was posted By Rappler.
    January 28th.2022 , After reviewing this video several times I believe this is the Biggest Lie regarding Covid Statistics of the Philippines.
    The VIDEO claims that Covid is the Third leading cause of death in the Philippines. But According to World O Metersand The Philippines own department of health the actual TWO YEAR TOTAL of Covid Related deaths is 52,962 as of Jan. 17th. Unfortunately the Video and the Department of Health FAIL to mention that it is a very common Statistic for over 100Thousand+ Philippines Citizens to Die of UNKNOWN CAUSES every year and another 100Thousand+ to die of Upper and lower Contagious Respiratory infections, NON Covid pneumonia and contagious Tuberculosis. PLUS another 37 THOUSAND++ die of STARVATION, MOSTLY CHILDREN! The leafing cause of death of children ages 0-19. Plus Another 20 Thousand++ die from various vehicle and transportation related accidents and Believe it or Not, 8thousand++ are MURDERED! ALL OF THESE STATISTICS ARE FROM THE PHILIPPINES OFFICIAL VITAL STATISTICS WEBSITE. I have screenshots of the PHILIPPINES vital statistics s from 2018 to their most recent graphs and charts. Please follow this link to support my comment: https://photos.kitakitz.com/Covid19-Philippines

  2. Excellent article. The data for the Philippines is aligned with the All-Cause Mortality data for America. Total deaths in America for 2021 are far above the average. 💉💉💉

  3. Excellent Article, I started looking at Morbidity Rates reported by the DOH 2019 / 2020. from 2019 to 2020 the pneumonia cases 60k+ in 2019 dropped by over half in 2020 and was replaced by WHO COVID category COVID Undetermined. Statistics tell a completely different picture. Now the race is on to test the Oligarchs Elite on the deaths attributed to COVID vaccine which is very secretive. The head of CDC in the states couldn’t even relate the actual number of deaths from the official reporting system.
    Great work Nicanor and Team, the movement is growing and the people are realizing exactly what’s happening.

    1. Thanks Mike! We also made an analysis of last year’s data here: https://covidcalltohumanity.org/2021/03/19/psa-data-on-deaths-shows-government-either-manipulating-us-or-covering-up-their-mistake/

      As soon as the 2021 data is released, we will make another analysis. We want to see the top 50 causes of deaths and see how they fare compared to previous years. We might need to be file for an FOI for that, though, seeing that the government has taken to reporting only the top 20 causes.

  4. Below is research I performed on the difference between countries whose leaders have been assassinated, which are Chad and Tanzania, because the leaders went up against the globalists, and Ghana where the president didn’t. These are deaths due to the COVID mRNA injection:

    Google search:
    Chad: 185 deaths Coronavirus cases: 6,887
    Tanzania: 745 deaths Coronavirus cases: 31,395
    Ghana: 1,343 deaths Coronavirus cases: 153,514

    Duckduckgo search
    Chad: same number of deaths; same number of cases
    Tanzania: same number of deaths; same number of cases
    Ghana: same number of deaths; same number of cases

    https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/ghana/ (Same source for all 3 countries. The presidents of Chad and Tanzania went up against the elite resulting in their assassination. Therefore, in my humble opinion, the leader of Ghana did not go up against the elite; that’s why the deaths and numbers of COVID-19 cases is dramatically higher.

    Arlene Johnson
    To access my work, which is top secret history that’s internationally acclaimed, and free to the world, click on the icon that says Magazine.
    To access 46 posts exposing coronavirus, log onto

  5. A further comment, death statistics need to be analyzed by age cohort. Are the deaths evenly distributed across age groups? Are more deaths happening in a particular age group? Males vs females? Compared with 5yr average. Should probably also be population adjusted.

    1. We intend to do this too, Jim, especially as the government claims there are now 7M children aged 12-17 years who are vaccinated with Pfizer. Unfortunately, there is no available data yet. We’re waiting for the 2021 final report (will possibly come out Feb or March), but that surely won’t be categorized by age cohort. So another FOI may need to be filed.

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