World’s best scientists and top physicians sign Rome Declaration: Policies by governments may be crimes against humanity

The following declaration is a result of the International Covid Summit[efn_note][/efn_note], an international conference held in Rome, Italy. It was attended by hundreds of doctors, lawyers, and professionals around the world.

In this declaration, top scientists and medical professionals who now call themselves as the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists (IAPMS) assert the following:

  • that there is a need to uphold and restore the dignity, integrity, art, and science of medicine;
  • that public policy has led to needless illness and death due to its one-size-fits-all approach taken on by governments;
  • that is it the frontliners who can determine the best approach for care of their patients, not politicians;
  • that withholding necessary treatment to patients and putting up barriers that prevent healthcare providers the capacity to protect their patients, in their words, “may actually constitute crimes against humanity.”

Some of the first signatories of this Declaration include Dr. Ira Berenstein, Dr. Paul E. Alexander, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Dr. Richard Urso, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, and Dr. Geert Vanden Boosche. As of publication, the Declaration has been signed by over 3,600 doctors and scientists.

The authors call on medical professionals and scientists to co-sign the declaration and to “uphold the highest ethical and moral standards, to insist on their ability to conduct and publish objective, empirical research without fear of reprisal upon their careers, reputations and livelihoods”.

Editor’s Note: The IAPMS is only at its beginning stage, but their strength can already be felt.

Canada has recently launched a formal campaign to combat what they deem as “misinformation being spread by health professionals”[efn_note][/efn_note]. Meanwhile, a “Global COVID-19 Summit” was launched by the US just a few days ago, which revolved around the theme “Vaccinate the World, Save Lives, Build Back Better”.[efn_note][/efn_note] This was another attempt at hi-jacking the Rome Declaration, and to push for an agenda that is anti-human.

And although signatories of the Rome Declaration were not directly saying it, it is becoming increasingly clear that governments are committing crimes against humanity through their illogical, unscientific policies.

Governments have caused unnecessary deaths by attacking the use of hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin [see Singapore study shows throat spray and hydroxychloroquine reduce risk of COVID-19, Hydroxychloroquine can dramatically ease the COVID-19 crisis, AAPS: Countries using hydroxychloroquine have lower coronavirus fatality rate, Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Association Chairman: Now is the time to use Ivermectin, India’s Uttar Pradesh moving towards being covid-free, Ivermectin central to virus control].

They have promoted the use of dangerous vaccines [see The evidence is in: Vaccines have failed, more dangerous than the virus, Covid Vaccines are Bioweapons for Mass Genocide, AI Analysis from US Department of Defense shows vaccines lead to more severe disease for fully vaccinated elderly].

Governments have lied to their citizens and have hidden the dangers of the vaccines [see FDA Report Reveals Vaccines May Have Killed 635 And Seriously Harmed 1,718 Filipinos, FDA knew there would be many COVID cases among the fully vaccinated, New data shows that there is no pandemic, PSA data on deaths shows government either manipulating us or covering up their mistakeCDC Lies Again, Creates a Horribly Confusing Definition of “Unvaccinated”].

They are now forcing their citizens to take these dangerous vaccines, throwing away all safeguards against medical malpractice and violating individual freedoms and civil liberties [see Covid Mandates: Unscientific, Irrational and Fraudulent, Dozens of Reasons to Stop Them Now].

But the cat is out of the bag. People already know that all coronavirus restrictions have nothing to do with health, and has not been backed up by science. Governments are struggling to control mass protests against the tyrannical policies, and some have already resulted to violence.[efn_note]September 18, 2021: World comes together to protest against lockdowns, vaccine passports, digital IDs[/efn_note] We expect that governments and the interests they serve will fight back. But we must remember: Together, we are strong. The truth is on our side.

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2 responses to “World’s best scientists and top physicians sign Rome Declaration: Policies by governments may be crimes against humanity”

  1. Franklin W Poley Avatar
    Franklin W Poley

    I am a retired medical scientist. How do I sign your petition?

    1. Hello Franklin,

      Thanks for the message. You can sign the petition here:

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