CDC’s Shielding Approach reminiscent of the Holocaust, uses concentration camps for the “infected”

CDC’s Shielding Approach reminiscent of the Holocaust, uses concentration camps for the “infected”

The following is a briefing document published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) last July 26, 2020. It outlines some guidance on the use of focused camps for displaced populations and low-resource settings. It also looks at the various implications of this strategy, which the CDC calls the “Shielding Approach”.

According to the document, the shielding approach aims to reduce severe COVID-19 cases by regulating “contact between individuals at higher risk of developing the severe disease (high-risk) and the general population (low-risk)“. The strategy requires the temporary relocation of high-risk individuals into “green zones” which will be established by local communities.

The document states that the shielding approach is an ambitious undertaking, which has its own issues to consider. Based on the document, the CDC is also aware that, while the strategy has been utilized by the UK, “there is no empirical evidence whether this approach will increase, decrease or have no effect on morbidity and mortality” of COVID.

Editor’s Note: The document below was published in July 2020, but it is a repurposed version of an earlier CDC document entitled Quarantine and Isolation. 1 The earlier refers to U.S. Quarantine Stations as a part of a comprehensive system that serves to limit the transmission of communicable diseases in the United States. These quarantine stations are located in US entry ports.

While the document attached below was published in the early part of the COVID “pandemic”, it has not aged. Here are the many reasons why it continues to be relevant until today:

We may not discuss it openly, but we really are heading to a diabolical system if we keep on allowing it. [See Total tyranny: This is our future if we do not stop lockdowns; Proof that the COVID-19 crisis was planned to usher in a new world order]

“It’s only for a little while… for the greater good.” – Governments

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