January 21, 2025

Doctor speaks at school board meeting, says health boards are promoting solutions not based on science

Doctor speaks at school board meeting, says health boards are promoting solutions not based on science

This banned YouTube video features Dr. Dan Stock speaking at the Mt. Vernon Community School Board Meeting. In this short video, he asserts that the recommendations of the local Health Board and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are contrary to science.

Dr. Stock, a functional medicine doctor, goes on to demolish a number of misinformation promoted by the health boards. Here are a few of them:

  • Masks do not prevent the spread of the virus.
  • It is not possible to make the virus “go away”.
  • Vaccination changes none of these facts.
  • Vaccinated people shed pathogens.

He goes on to explain how vaccines are causing new infections in the middle of summer and says that this is due to antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). He explains how ADE happens and offers some suggestions on how people can detect it.

Dr. Stock goes on to say that there is no scientific basis for treating the vaccinated differently from the unvaccinated. He says that vaccines are unnecessary as there are ways to treat COVID-19. At the end of his speech, Dr. Stock says that he was willing to explain the science behind all his statements, as well as offer expert testimony, pro bono, at any court where the school board might be asked to defend.

Editor’s Note: Perhaps one of the most telling impacts of this video of Dr. Stock is the reaction it received. Among the videos published by the school, it has received one of the highest views.1 In just a few hours since it was published, it was taken down by YouTube for “violating community”, which is no longer surprising seeing the clear, anti-science position that the video-sharing platform has been taking for the past year.

Aside from these, a smear piece has been published by Indy Star2, which started with the following words: “He was well-dressed, well-spoken, credentialed and explained complicated medical terms with ease, so even the layperson could understand what he was saying. There was only one problem: what he was saying was largely false, contrary to the opinions of the medical establishment, and potentially dangerous”.

Instead of presenting facts to counter Dr. Stock’s claims, the IndyStar article launched a personal attack. They also cited other “scientists” who only gave their own reactions to the video, and who did not bother to explain the science that could “dispel the untruths” of Dr. Stock’s points. Is this how science works now?

If Indy Star was looking for scientific proof of what Dr. Stock was saying, here are a few of them:

Here is also a huge number of links dispelling the myth that vaccines are the end of the pandemic: see the page on vaccines.

Finally, if the fact-checker was really looking at the science, they could have just gone to this site which contains the proof of Dr. Stock’s presentation: https://hancockcountypatriots.blogspot.com/2021/08/dr-dan-stocks-presentation-to-mt-vernon.html

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Click the button below if you wish to watch the video on the website where it was originally published.

  1. Before the video was banned, it had around 550,000 views compared to only a few hundred for the past school meetings.
  2. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/education/2021/08/11/dan-stock-indiana-doctors-viral-mt-vernon-school-board-testimony-full-misinformation/5551476001/

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