Year: 2020
4 million Filipino learners not going back to school this year
Education undersecretary Nepomuceno Malaluan said that at least 4 million learners are not coming back to school this year due to continuing COVID-19 threat. To address this concern, the Department of Education is planning for interventions that will give non-enrollees access to various opportunities for learning. Editor’s Note: We are now seeing the negative impacts of the…
Finally, a clear, concise, dissenting voice in mainsteam media is heard
The following is a 4-minute video of Sky News host Alan Jones slamming the dictatorial strategy adopted by Australia in its fight against the coronavirus. Jones says that Australians are sick and tired of the climate of fear and alarmism promoted by politicians. He then proceeds to cite the various evidences showing that lockdowns do…
Read it yourself: Transcript of the first press conference of America’s Frontline Doctors
Last July 27, 2020, a group of medical professionals calling themselves America’s Frontline Doctors held a press conference outside the Supreme Court of the United States to counter the fear surrounding the return of children to schools and the narrative that COVID-19 can only be cured by a vaccine. The press conference was also posted…
Why COVID-19 is guaranteed to never end
In this article for Medium, Mike Hearn asserts that as long as there is no active discussion regarding the false positives generated by molecular tests such as the RT-PCR, COVID-19 and the interventions implemented to control it, will never end. Hearn relates the experience of Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in 2006, where thousands of hospital staff…
Herd immunity may still be the key to fighting COVID-19
In this article for The Spectator, Harvard professor of medicine Martin Kulldorff tries to answer the important question: how do we gradually re-open society? Which institutions will be allowed to open first, and which ones should remain closed? Kulldorff clarifies that herd immunity is not a strategy, but a phenomenon. The basic strategy for pandemic…
Nature Deficit Disorder is a real thing
In this article for The New York Times, author Meg St-Esprit McKivigan interviews parents and experts to uncover the “symptoms” that characterize a non-medical condition called by Richard Louv as Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD). As shelter-in-place guidelines were imposed in many countries, parents have discovered a change in their children’s behaviors. From McKivigan’s interviews, parents…
Educator relates experience of school re-openings in Switzerland
This article was written by Liam Printer, an educator based in Switzerland, and was published by The Journal IE last July 28, 2020, on the eve of debates regarding Ireland’s plan for reopening of its schools. Printer says that schools have been open in Switzerland since May 11, and though social distancing rules were initially…
Alternative views concerning the COVID-19 vaccine
The following article was written by Dr. Romeo F. Quijano for Altermidya last June 28, 2020. In it, Dr. Quijano relates the tragic history of vaccines in the Philippines and asserts that they are not the saviors they are purported to be. Dr. Quijano talks about the resulting damage of polio and small pox mass…
Philippines officially in technical recession as economy shrinks by 16.5% in Q2
The Philippine economy is experiencing its greatest contraction in two decades following the extension of lockdowns in the country. The Reuter poll in June projected a 9% decline in economy, but official figures are now much larger, now pegged at 16.5%. Economic planners are now projecting an annual shrinkage of 5.5%. Editor’s Note: For non-economists, such…
Mumbai’s poorest may already have collective immunity against SARS-COV-2
A serological survey conducted in three suburbs in India shows that six in ten people living in Mumbai slums have developed antibodies against the new coronavirus. Collectively, that’s 57% of Mumbai slum dwellers known to have antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 – the highest immunity levels anywhere in the world. Researchers say that this could explain…